
Tag Kind
TSDoc Reference
TypeDoc specific

The @module tag is used to mark a comment as referring to a file rather than the declaration following it. It may optionally be used to rename a module whose name TypeDoc guesses incorrectly.

The TSDoc specified @packageDocumentation tag can also be used to mark a comment as referring to the file, but cannot be used to rename the module.

NOTE: A comment block where the @module tag is used must be the first comment in the file. Therefore, it is recommended to place it at the top of the file before any import statements.


// file1.ts
* This is the doc comment for file1.ts
* Specify this is a module comment and rename it to my-module:
* @module my-module

import * as lib from "lib";

// file2.ts
* Specify this is a module comment without renaming it:
* @module

import * as lib from "lib";

// file3.ts
* This is *not* a doc comment for the file, it is a doc comment for the import.
* Include the `@module` or `@packageDocumentation` tag to mark it as a file comment.

import * as lib from "lib";

See Also