Enumeration ReflectionKind

Defines the available reflection kinds.

Enumeration Members

Accessor: 262144
CallSignature: 4096
Class: 128
Constructor: 512
ConstructorSignature: 16384
Document: 8388608

Generic non-ts content to be included in the generated docs as its own page.

Enum: 8
EnumMember: 16
Function: 64
GetSignature: 524288
IndexSignature: 8192
Interface: 256
Method: 2048
Module: 2
Namespace: 4
Parameter: 32768
Project: 1
Property: 1024
Reference: 4194304
SetSignature: 1048576
TypeAlias: 2097152
TypeLiteral: 65536
TypeParameter: 131072
Variable: 32