TypeDoc includes a lot of literal strings. By convention, messages which are displayed to the user at the INFO level or above should be present in this object to be available for translation. Messages at the VERBOSE level need not be translated as they are primarily intended for debugging. ERROR/WARNING deprecation messages related to TypeDoc's API, or requesting users submit a bug report need not be translated.

Errors thrown by TypeDoc are generally not considered translatable as they are not displayed to the user. An exception to this is errors thrown by the validate method on options, as option readers will use them to report errors to the user.

This object uses a similar convention as TypeScript, where the specified key should indicate where placeholders are present by including a number in the name. This is so that translations can easily tell that they are including the appropriate placeholders. This will also be validated at runtime by the Internationalization class, but it's better to have that hint when editing as well.

This interface defines the available translatable strings, and the number of placeholders that are required to use each string. Plugins may use declaration merging to add members to this interface to use TypeDoc's internationalization module.

declare module "typedoc" {
interface TranslatableStrings {
// Define a translatable string with no arguments
plugin_msg: [];
// Define a translatable string requiring one argument
plugin_msg_0: [string];
interface TranslatableStrings {
    alert_caution: [];
    alert_important: [];
    alert_note: [];
    alert_tip: [];
    alert_warning: [];
    at_most_one_inheritdoc_tag_expected_in_comment_at_0: [string];
    at_most_one_remarks_tag_expected_in_comment_at_0: [string];
    at_most_one_returns_tag_expected_in_comment_at_0: [string];
    circular_reference_extends_0: [string];
    comment_for_0_includes_categoryDescription_for_1_but_no_child_in_group: [
    comment_for_0_includes_groupDescription_for_1_but_no_child_in_group: [
    comment_for_0_should_not_contain_block_or_modifier_tags: [string];
    comments_for_0_are_declared_at_1: [string, string];
    content_in_remarks_block_overwritten_by_inheritdoc_in_comment_at_0: [
    content_in_summary_overwritten_by_inheritdoc_in_comment_at_0: [string];
    converting_0_as_class_requires_value_declaration: [string];
    converting_0_as_class_without_construct_signatures: [string];
    converting_project_at_0: [string];
    converting_union_as_interface: [];
    could_not_create_output_directory_0: [string];
    could_not_empty_output_directory_0: [string];
    could_not_write_0: [string];
    custom_css_file_0_does_not_exist: [string];
    custom_js_file_0_does_not_exist: [string];
    declaration_reference_in_inheritdoc_for_0_not_fully_parsed: [string];
    defaulting_project_name: [];
    disable_git_set_and_git_revision_used: [];
    disable_git_set_but_not_source_link_template: [];
    entry_point_0_did_not_exist: [string];
    entry_point_0_did_not_match_any_files_after_exclude: [string];
    entry_point_0_did_not_match_any_packages: [string];
    entry_point_0_not_in_program: [string];
    entrypoint_did_not_match_files_0: [string];
    example_tag_literal_name: [];
    exclude_not_documented_specified_0_valid_values_are_1: [string, string];
    expected_object_with_flag_values_for_0: [string];
    external_symbol_link_mappings_must_be_object: [];
    failed_read_options_file_0: [string];
    failed_read_tsdoc_json_0: [string];
    failed_resolve_0_to_file_in_1: [string, string];
    failed_to_convert_packages: [];
    failed_to_find_0_to_inherit_comment_from_in_1: [string, string];
    failed_to_find_jsdoc_tag_for_name_0: [string];
    failed_to_find_packages: [];
    failed_to_parse_json_0: [string];
    failed_to_read_0_when_processing_document_child_in_1: [string, string];
    failed_to_read_0_when_processing_document_tag_in_1: [string, string];
    failed_to_read_0_when_processing_project_document: [string];
    failed_to_resolve_0_to_ts_path: [string];
    failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_comment_for_1: [string, string];
    failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_comment_for_1_may_have_meant_2: [
    failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_document_1: [string, string];
    failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_document_1_may_have_meant_2: [
    failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_readme_for_1: [string, string];
    failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_readme_for_1_may_have_meant_2: [
    favicon_must_have_one_of_the_following_extensions_0: [string];
    file_0_not_an_object: [string];
    flag_0_is_not_valid_for_1_expected_2: [string, string, string];
    flag_abstract: [];
    flag_const: [];
    flag_external: [];
    flag_inherited: [];
    flag_optional: [];
    flag_private: [];
    flag_protected: [];
    flag_public: [];
    flag_readonly: [];
    flag_rest: [];
    flag_static: [];
    flag_values_for_0_must_be_booleans: [string];
    found_0_errors_and_1_warnings: [string, string];
    frontmatter_children_0_should_be_an_array_of_strings_or_object_with_string_values: [
    git_remote_0_not_valid: [string];
    glob_0_did_not_match_any_files: [string];
    help_alwaysCreateEntryPointModule: [];
    help_basePath: [];
    help_blockTags: [];
    help_cacheBust: [];
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    help_categoryOrder: [];
    help_cleanOutputDir: [];
    help_cname: [];
    help_commentStyle: [];
    help_compilerOptions: [];
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    help_customFooterHtml: [];
    help_customFooterHtmlDisableWrapper: [];
    help_customJs: [];
    help_darkHighlightTheme: [];
    help_defaultCategory: [];
    help_disableGit: [];
    help_disableSources: [];
    help_emit: [];
    help_entryPoints: [];
    help_entryPointStrategy: [];
    help_exclude: [];
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    help_excludeExternals: [];
    help_excludeInternal: [];
    help_excludeNotDocumented: [];
    help_excludeNotDocumentedKinds: [];
    help_excludePrivate: [];
    help_excludeProtected: [];
    help_excludeReferences: [];
    help_excludeTags: [];
    help_externalPattern: [];
    help_externalSymbolLinkMappings: [];
    help_favicon: [];
    help_githubPages: [];
    help_gitRemote: [];
    help_gitRevision: [];
    help_groupOrder: [];
    help_groupReferencesByType: [];
    help_headings: [];
    help_help: [];
    help_hideGenerator: [];
    help_highlightLanguages: [];
    help_hostedBaseUrl: [];
    help_html: [];
    help_ignoredHighlightLanguages: [];
    help_includeHierarchySummary: [];
    help_includeVersion: [];
    help_inlineTags: [];
    help_intentionallyNotExported: [];
    help_jsDocCompatibility: [];
    help_json: [];
    help_kindSortOrder: [];
    help_lang: [];
    help_lightHighlightTheme: [];
    help_locales: [];
    help_logLevel: [];
    help_markdownItLoader: [];
    help_markdownItOptions: [];
    help_markdownLinkExternal: [];
    help_maxTypeConversionDepth: [];
    help_modifierTags: [];
    help_name: [];
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    help_navigationLinks: [];
    help_notRenderedTags: [];
    help_options: [];
    help_out: [];
    help_packageOptions: [];
    help_plugin: [];
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    help_preserveWatchOutput: [];
    help_pretty: [];
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    help_readme: [];
    help_requiredToBeDocumented: [];
    help_searchCategoryBoosts: [];
    help_searchGroupBoosts: [];
    help_searchInComments: [];
    help_searchInDocuments: [];
    help_showConfig: [];
    help_sidebarLinks: [];
    help_skipErrorChecking: [];
    help_sluggerConfiguration: [];
    help_sort: [];
    help_sortEntryPoints: [];
    help_sourceLinkExternal: [];
    help_sourceLinkTemplate: [];
    help_theme: [];
    help_titleLink: [];
    help_treatValidationWarningsAsErrors: [];
    help_treatWarningsAsErrors: [];
    help_tsconfig: [];
    help_typePrintWidth: [];
    help_useFirstParagraphOfCommentAsSummary: [];
    help_useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks: [];
    help_useTsLinkResolution: [];
    help_validation: [];
    help_version: [];
    help_visibilityFilters: [];
    help_watch: [];
    highlight_theme_0_must_be_one_of_1: [string, string];
    highlightLanguages_contains_invalid_languages_0: [string];
    hostedBaseUrl_must_start_with_http: [];
    include_0_in_1_specified_2_circular_include_3: [
    include_0_in_1_specified_2_resolved_to_3_does_not_exist: [
    inheritdoc_circular_inheritance_chain_0: [string];
    inheritdoc_tag_properly_capitalized: [];
    inline_inheritdoc_should_not_appear_in_block_tag_in_comment_at_0: [string];
    inline_tag_not_closed: [];
    invalid_intentionally_not_exported_symbols_0: [string];
    invalid_plugin_0_missing_load_function: [string];
    invalid_tsdoc_json_0: [string];
    kind_accessor: [];
    kind_call_signature: [];
    kind_class: [];
    kind_constructor: [];
    kind_constructor_signature: [];
    kind_document: [];
    kind_enum: [];
    kind_enum_member: [];
    kind_function: [];
    kind_get_signature: [];
    kind_index_signature: [];
    kind_interface: [];
    kind_method: [];
    kind_module: [];
    kind_namespace: [];
    kind_parameter: [];
    kind_plural_accessor: [];
    kind_plural_call_signature: [];
    kind_plural_class: [];
    kind_plural_constructor: [];
    kind_plural_constructor_signature: [];
    kind_plural_document: [];
    kind_plural_enum: [];
    kind_plural_enum_member: [];
    kind_plural_function: [];
    kind_plural_get_signature: [];
    kind_plural_index_signature: [];
    kind_plural_interface: [];
    kind_plural_method: [];
    kind_plural_module: [];
    kind_plural_namespace: [];
    kind_plural_parameter: [];
    kind_plural_project: [];
    kind_plural_property: [];
    kind_plural_reference: [];
    kind_plural_set_signature: [];
    kind_plural_type_alias: [];
    kind_plural_type_literal: [];
    kind_plural_type_parameter: [];
    kind_plural_variable: [];
    kind_project: [];
    kind_property: [];
    kind_reference: [];
    kind_set_signature: [];
    kind_type_alias: [];
    kind_type_literal: [];
    kind_type_parameter: [];
    kind_variable: [];
    label_0_for_1_cannot_be_referenced: [string, string];
    loaded_multiple_times_0: [string];
    loaded_plugin_0: [string];
    locales_must_be_an_object: [];
    merging_converted_projects: [];
    modifier_tag_0_is_mutually_exclusive_with_1_in_comment_for_2: [
    multiple_type_parameters_on_template_tag_unsupported: [];
    nested_packages_unsupported_0: [string];
    no_compiler_options_set: [];
    no_entry_points_for_packages: [];
    no_entry_points_provided: [];
    no_entry_points_to_merge: [];
    not_all_search_category_boosts_used_0: [string];
    not_all_search_group_boosts_used_0: [string];
    open_brace_within_inline_tag: [];
    option_0_can_only_be_specified_by_config_file: [string];
    option_0_expected_a_value_but_none_provided: [string];
    option_0_must_be_a_function: [string];
    option_0_must_be_an_object: [string];
    option_0_must_be_between_1_and_2: [string, string, string];
    option_0_must_be_equal_to_or_greater_than_1: [string, string];
    option_0_must_be_less_than_or_equal_to_1: [string, string];
    option_0_must_be_object_with_urls: [string];
    option_0_must_be_one_of_1: [string, string];
    option_0_specified_1_but_only_2_is_valid: [string, string, string];
    option_0_values_must_be_array_of_tags: [string];
    option_0_values_must_be_numbers: [string];
    option_outputs_must_be_array: [];
    options_file_0_does_not_exist: [string];
    output_0_could_not_be_generated: [string];
    output_0_generated_at_1: [string, string];
    plugin_0_could_not_be_loaded: [string];
    previous_error_occurred_when_reading_options_for_0: [string];
    provided_readme_at_0_could_not_be_read: [string];
    reflection_0_has_unused_mergeModuleWith_tag: [string];
    reflection_0_kind_1_defined_in_2_does_not_have_any_documentation: [
    reflection_0_links_to_1_but_anchor_does_not_exist_try_2: [
    reflection_0_links_to_1_with_text_2_but_resolved_to_3: [
    reflection_0_tried_to_copy_comment_from_1_but_source_had_no_comment: [
    reflection_0_tried_to_merge_into_child_1: [string, string];
    relative_path_0_is_not_a_file_and_will_not_be_copied_to_output: [string];
    saved_relative_path_0_resolved_from_1_is_not_a_file: [string, string];
    serialized_project_referenced_0_not_part_of_project: [string];
    signature_0_has_unused_param_with_name_1: [string, string];
    solution_not_supported_in_watch_mode: [];
    specified_output_0_has_not_been_defined: [string];
    strategy_not_supported_in_watch_mode: [];
    symbol_0_has_multiple_declarations_with_comment: [string];
    tag_abstract: [];
    tag_alpha: [];
    tag_augments: [];
    tag_author: [];
    tag_beta: [];
    tag_callback: [];
    tag_category: [];
    tag_categoryDescription: [];
    tag_class: [];
    tag_default: [];
    tag_defaultValue: [];
    tag_deprecated: [];
    tag_document: [];
    tag_enum: [];
    tag_event: [];
    tag_eventProperty: [];
    tag_example: [];
    tag_expand: [];
    tag_experimental: [];
    tag_extends: [];
    tag_group: [];
    tag_groupDescription: [];
    tag_hidden: [];
    tag_hideCategories: [];
    tag_hideconstructor: [];
    tag_hideGroups: [];
    tag_ignore: [];
    tag_import: [];
    tag_include: [];
    tag_includeCode: [];
    tag_inheritDoc: [];
    tag_inline: [];
    tag_interface: [];
    tag_internal: [];
    tag_jsx: [];
    tag_label: [];
    tag_license: [];
    tag_link: [];
    tag_linkcode: [];
    tag_linkplain: [];
    tag_mergeModuleWith: [];
    tag_module: [];
    tag_namespace: [];
    tag_overload: [];
    tag_override: [];
    tag_packageDocumentation: [];
    tag_param: [];
    tag_private: [];
    tag_privateRemarks: [];
    tag_prop: [];
    tag_property: [];
    tag_protected: [];
    tag_public: [];
    tag_readonly: [];
    tag_remarks: [];
    tag_return: [];
    tag_returns: [];
    tag_satisfies: [];
    tag_sealed: [];
    tag_see: [];
    tag_showCategories: [];
    tag_showGroups: [];
    tag_since: [];
    tag_summary: [];
    tag_template: [];
    tag_throws: [];
    tag_type: [];
    tag_typedef: [];
    tag_typeParam: [];
    tag_useDeclaredType: [];
    tag_virtual: [];
    tag_yields: [];
    tags_0_defined_in_typedoc_json_overwritten_by_tsdoc_json: [string];
    theme_0_is_not_defined_available_are_1: [string, string];
    theme_copied: [];
    theme_copy: [];
    theme_dark: [];
    theme_defined_in: [];
    theme_generated_using_typedoc: [];
    theme_hierarchy: [];
    theme_hierarchy_collapse: [];
    theme_hierarchy_expand: [];
    theme_hierarchy_summary: [];
    theme_hierarchy_view_summary: [];
    theme_implementation_of: [];
    theme_implemented_by: [];
    theme_implements: [];
    theme_index: [];
    theme_indexable: [];
    theme_inherited_from: [];
    theme_light: [];
    theme_loading: [];
    theme_member_visibility: [];
    theme_menu: [];
    theme_normally_hidden: [];
    theme_on_this_page: [];
    theme_os: [];
    theme_overrides: [];
    theme_permalink: [];
    theme_preparing_search_index: [];
    theme_returns: [];
    theme_search: [];
    theme_search_index_not_available: [];
    theme_settings: [];
    theme_theme: [];
    theme_type_declaration: [];
    treating_unrecognized_tag_0_as_modifier: [string];
    tsconfig_file_0_does_not_exist: [string];
    tsconfig_file_specifies_options_file: [];
    tsconfig_file_specifies_tsconfig_file: [];
    type_0_defined_in_1_is_referenced_by_2_but_not_included_in_docs: [
    typedoc_key_in_0_ignored: [string];
    typedoc_options_must_be_object_in_0: [string];
    unable_to_find_any_entry_points: [];
    unescaped_open_brace_without_inline_tag: [];
    unknown_block_tag_0: [string];
    unknown_inline_tag_0: [string];
    unknown_option_0_may_have_meant_1: [string, string];
    unknown_option_0_you_may_have_meant_1: [string, string];
    unloaded_language_0_not_highlighted_in_comment_for_1: [string, string];
    unmatched_closing_brace: [];
    unsupported_highlight_language_0_not_highlighted_in_comment_for_1: [
    unsupported_ts_version_0: [string];
    use_expand_or_glob_for_files_in_dir: [];
    useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks_requires_hostedBaseUrl: [];
    visibility_filters_must_be_booleans: [];
    visibility_filters_only_include_0: [string];
    watch_does_not_support_merge_mode: [];
    watch_does_not_support_packages_mode: [];
    yaml_frontmatter_not_an_object: [];


  • BuiltinTranslatableStringArgs
    • TranslatableStrings


alert_caution alert_important alert_note alert_tip alert_warning at_most_one_inheritdoc_tag_expected_in_comment_at_0 at_most_one_remarks_tag_expected_in_comment_at_0 at_most_one_returns_tag_expected_in_comment_at_0 circular_reference_extends_0 comment_for_0_includes_categoryDescription_for_1_but_no_child_in_group comment_for_0_includes_groupDescription_for_1_but_no_child_in_group comment_for_0_should_not_contain_block_or_modifier_tags comments_for_0_are_declared_at_1 content_in_remarks_block_overwritten_by_inheritdoc_in_comment_at_0 content_in_summary_overwritten_by_inheritdoc_in_comment_at_0 converting_0_as_class_requires_value_declaration converting_0_as_class_without_construct_signatures converting_project_at_0 converting_union_as_interface could_not_create_output_directory_0 could_not_empty_output_directory_0 could_not_write_0 custom_css_file_0_does_not_exist custom_js_file_0_does_not_exist declaration_reference_in_inheritdoc_for_0_not_fully_parsed defaulting_project_name disable_git_set_and_git_revision_used disable_git_set_but_not_source_link_template entry_point_0_did_not_exist entry_point_0_did_not_match_any_files_after_exclude entry_point_0_did_not_match_any_packages entry_point_0_not_in_program entrypoint_did_not_match_files_0 example_tag_literal_name exclude_not_documented_specified_0_valid_values_are_1 expected_object_with_flag_values_for_0 external_symbol_link_mappings_must_be_object failed_read_options_file_0 failed_read_tsdoc_json_0 failed_resolve_0_to_file_in_1 failed_to_convert_packages failed_to_find_0_to_inherit_comment_from_in_1 failed_to_find_jsdoc_tag_for_name_0 failed_to_find_packages failed_to_parse_json_0 failed_to_read_0_when_processing_document_child_in_1 failed_to_read_0_when_processing_document_tag_in_1 failed_to_read_0_when_processing_project_document failed_to_resolve_0_to_ts_path failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_comment_for_1 failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_comment_for_1_may_have_meant_2 failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_document_1 failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_document_1_may_have_meant_2 failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_readme_for_1 failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_readme_for_1_may_have_meant_2 favicon_must_have_one_of_the_following_extensions_0 file_0_not_an_object flag_0_is_not_valid_for_1_expected_2 flag_abstract flag_const flag_external flag_inherited flag_optional flag_private flag_protected flag_public flag_readonly flag_rest flag_static flag_values_for_0_must_be_booleans found_0_errors_and_1_warnings frontmatter_children_0_should_be_an_array_of_strings_or_object_with_string_values git_remote_0_not_valid glob_0_did_not_match_any_files help_alwaysCreateEntryPointModule help_basePath help_blockTags help_cacheBust help_categorizeByGroup help_categoryOrder help_cleanOutputDir help_cname help_commentStyle help_compilerOptions help_customCss help_customFooterHtml help_customFooterHtmlDisableWrapper help_customJs help_darkHighlightTheme help_defaultCategory help_disableGit help_disableSources help_emit help_entryPoints help_entryPointStrategy help_exclude help_excludeCategories help_excludeExternals help_excludeInternal help_excludeNotDocumented help_excludeNotDocumentedKinds help_excludePrivate help_excludeProtected help_excludeReferences help_excludeTags help_externalPattern help_externalSymbolLinkMappings help_favicon help_githubPages help_gitRemote help_gitRevision help_groupOrder help_groupReferencesByType help_headings help_help help_hideGenerator help_highlightLanguages help_hostedBaseUrl help_html help_ignoredHighlightLanguages help_includeHierarchySummary help_includeVersion help_inlineTags help_intentionallyNotExported help_jsDocCompatibility help_json help_kindSortOrder help_lang help_lightHighlightTheme help_locales help_logLevel help_markdownItLoader help_markdownItOptions help_markdownLinkExternal help_maxTypeConversionDepth help_modifierTags help_name help_navigation help_navigationLeaves help_navigationLinks help_notRenderedTags help_options help_out help_packageOptions help_plugin help_preserveLinkText help_preserveWatchOutput help_pretty help_projectDocuments help_readme help_requiredToBeDocumented help_searchCategoryBoosts help_searchGroupBoosts help_searchInComments help_searchInDocuments help_showConfig help_sidebarLinks help_skipErrorChecking help_sluggerConfiguration help_sort help_sortEntryPoints help_sourceLinkExternal help_sourceLinkTemplate help_theme help_titleLink help_treatValidationWarningsAsErrors help_treatWarningsAsErrors help_tsconfig help_typePrintWidth help_useFirstParagraphOfCommentAsSummary help_useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks help_useTsLinkResolution help_validation help_version help_visibilityFilters help_watch highlight_theme_0_must_be_one_of_1 highlightLanguages_contains_invalid_languages_0 hostedBaseUrl_must_start_with_http include_0_in_1_specified_2_circular_include_3 include_0_in_1_specified_2_resolved_to_3_does_not_exist inheritdoc_circular_inheritance_chain_0 inheritdoc_tag_properly_capitalized inline_inheritdoc_should_not_appear_in_block_tag_in_comment_at_0 inline_tag_not_closed invalid_intentionally_not_exported_symbols_0 invalid_plugin_0_missing_load_function invalid_tsdoc_json_0 kind_accessor kind_call_signature kind_class kind_constructor kind_constructor_signature kind_document kind_enum kind_enum_member kind_function kind_get_signature kind_index_signature kind_interface kind_method kind_module kind_namespace kind_parameter kind_plural_accessor kind_plural_call_signature kind_plural_class kind_plural_constructor kind_plural_constructor_signature kind_plural_document kind_plural_enum kind_plural_enum_member kind_plural_function kind_plural_get_signature kind_plural_index_signature kind_plural_interface kind_plural_method kind_plural_module kind_plural_namespace kind_plural_parameter kind_plural_project kind_plural_property kind_plural_reference kind_plural_set_signature kind_plural_type_alias kind_plural_type_literal kind_plural_type_parameter kind_plural_variable kind_project kind_property kind_reference kind_set_signature kind_type_alias kind_type_literal kind_type_parameter kind_variable label_0_for_1_cannot_be_referenced loaded_multiple_times_0 loaded_plugin_0 locales_must_be_an_object merging_converted_projects modifier_tag_0_is_mutually_exclusive_with_1_in_comment_for_2 multiple_type_parameters_on_template_tag_unsupported nested_packages_unsupported_0 no_compiler_options_set no_entry_points_for_packages no_entry_points_provided no_entry_points_to_merge not_all_search_category_boosts_used_0 not_all_search_group_boosts_used_0 open_brace_within_inline_tag option_0_can_only_be_specified_by_config_file option_0_expected_a_value_but_none_provided option_0_must_be_a_function option_0_must_be_an_object option_0_must_be_between_1_and_2 option_0_must_be_equal_to_or_greater_than_1 option_0_must_be_less_than_or_equal_to_1 option_0_must_be_object_with_urls option_0_must_be_one_of_1 option_0_specified_1_but_only_2_is_valid option_0_values_must_be_array_of_tags option_0_values_must_be_numbers option_outputs_must_be_array options_file_0_does_not_exist output_0_could_not_be_generated output_0_generated_at_1 plugin_0_could_not_be_loaded previous_error_occurred_when_reading_options_for_0 provided_readme_at_0_could_not_be_read reflection_0_has_unused_mergeModuleWith_tag reflection_0_kind_1_defined_in_2_does_not_have_any_documentation reflection_0_links_to_1_but_anchor_does_not_exist_try_2 reflection_0_links_to_1_with_text_2_but_resolved_to_3 reflection_0_tried_to_copy_comment_from_1_but_source_had_no_comment reflection_0_tried_to_merge_into_child_1 relative_path_0_is_not_a_file_and_will_not_be_copied_to_output saved_relative_path_0_resolved_from_1_is_not_a_file serialized_project_referenced_0_not_part_of_project signature_0_has_unused_param_with_name_1 solution_not_supported_in_watch_mode specified_output_0_has_not_been_defined strategy_not_supported_in_watch_mode symbol_0_has_multiple_declarations_with_comment tag_abstract tag_alpha tag_augments tag_author tag_beta tag_callback tag_category tag_categoryDescription tag_class tag_default tag_defaultValue tag_deprecated tag_document tag_enum tag_event tag_eventProperty tag_example tag_expand tag_experimental tag_extends tag_group tag_groupDescription tag_hidden tag_hideCategories tag_hideconstructor tag_hideGroups tag_ignore tag_import tag_include tag_includeCode tag_inheritDoc tag_inline tag_interface tag_internal tag_jsx tag_label tag_license tag_link tag_linkcode tag_linkplain tag_mergeModuleWith tag_module tag_namespace tag_overload tag_override tag_packageDocumentation tag_param tag_private tag_privateRemarks tag_prop tag_property tag_protected tag_public tag_readonly tag_remarks tag_return tag_returns tag_satisfies tag_sealed tag_see tag_showCategories tag_showGroups tag_since tag_summary tag_template tag_throws tag_type tag_typedef tag_typeParam tag_useDeclaredType tag_virtual tag_yields tags_0_defined_in_typedoc_json_overwritten_by_tsdoc_json theme_0_is_not_defined_available_are_1 theme_copied theme_copy theme_dark theme_defined_in theme_generated_using_typedoc theme_hierarchy theme_hierarchy_collapse theme_hierarchy_expand theme_hierarchy_summary theme_hierarchy_view_summary theme_implementation_of theme_implemented_by theme_implements theme_index theme_indexable theme_inherited_from theme_light theme_loading theme_member_visibility theme_menu theme_normally_hidden theme_on_this_page theme_os theme_overrides theme_permalink theme_preparing_search_index theme_returns theme_search theme_search_index_not_available theme_settings theme_theme theme_type_declaration treating_unrecognized_tag_0_as_modifier tsconfig_file_0_does_not_exist tsconfig_file_specifies_options_file tsconfig_file_specifies_tsconfig_file type_0_defined_in_1_is_referenced_by_2_but_not_included_in_docs typedoc_key_in_0_ignored typedoc_options_must_be_object_in_0 unable_to_find_any_entry_points unescaped_open_brace_without_inline_tag unknown_block_tag_0 unknown_inline_tag_0 unknown_option_0_may_have_meant_1 unknown_option_0_you_may_have_meant_1 unloaded_language_0_not_highlighted_in_comment_for_1 unmatched_closing_brace unsupported_highlight_language_0_not_highlighted_in_comment_for_1 unsupported_ts_version_0 use_expand_or_glob_for_files_in_dir useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks_requires_hostedBaseUrl visibility_filters_must_be_booleans visibility_filters_only_include_0 watch_does_not_support_merge_mode watch_does_not_support_packages_mode yaml_frontmatter_not_an_object


alert_caution: [] = "Caution"
alert_important: [] = "Important"
alert_note: [] = "Note"
alert_tip: [] = "Tip"
alert_warning: [] = "Warning"
at_most_one_inheritdoc_tag_expected_in_comment_at_0: [string] = "At most one @inheritDoc tag is expected in a comment, ignoring all but the first in comment at {0}"
at_most_one_remarks_tag_expected_in_comment_at_0: [string] = "At most one @remarks tag is expected in a comment, ignoring all but the first in comment at {0}"
at_most_one_returns_tag_expected_in_comment_at_0: [string] = "At most one @returns tag is expected in a comment, ignoring all but the first in comment at {0}"
circular_reference_extends_0: [string] = ...
comment_for_0_includes_categoryDescription_for_1_but_no_child_in_group: [
] = ...
comment_for_0_includes_groupDescription_for_1_but_no_child_in_group: [
] = ...
comment_for_0_should_not_contain_block_or_modifier_tags: [string] = ...
comments_for_0_are_declared_at_1: [string, string] = ...
content_in_remarks_block_overwritten_by_inheritdoc_in_comment_at_0: [string] = "Content in the @remarks block will be overwritten by the @inheritDoc tag in comment at {0}"
content_in_summary_overwritten_by_inheritdoc_in_comment_at_0: [string] = "Content in the summary section will be overwritten by the @inheritDoc tag in comment at {0}"
converting_0_as_class_requires_value_declaration: [string] = ...
converting_0_as_class_without_construct_signatures: [string] = ...
converting_project_at_0: [string] = "Converting project at {0}"
converting_union_as_interface: [] = ...
could_not_create_output_directory_0: [string] = ...
could_not_empty_output_directory_0: [string] = ...
could_not_write_0: [string] = ...
custom_css_file_0_does_not_exist: [string] = ...
custom_js_file_0_does_not_exist: [string] = ...
declaration_reference_in_inheritdoc_for_0_not_fully_parsed: [string] = ...
defaulting_project_name: [] = 'The --name option was not specified, and no package.json was found. Defaulting project name to "Documentation"'
disable_git_set_and_git_revision_used: [] = ...
disable_git_set_but_not_source_link_template: [] = ...
entry_point_0_did_not_exist: [string] = ...
entry_point_0_did_not_match_any_files_after_exclude: [string] = ...
entry_point_0_did_not_match_any_packages: [string] = ...
entry_point_0_not_in_program: [string] = ...
entrypoint_did_not_match_files_0: [string] = "The entrypoint glob {0} did not match any files"
example_tag_literal_name: [] = "The first line of an example tag will be taken literally as the example name, and should only contain text"
exclude_not_documented_specified_0_valid_values_are_1: [string, string] = ...
expected_object_with_flag_values_for_0: [string] = "Expected an object with flag values for {0} or true/false"
external_symbol_link_mappings_must_be_object: [] = "externalSymbolLinkMappings must be a Record<package name, Record<symbol name, link>>"
failed_read_options_file_0: [string] = ...
failed_read_tsdoc_json_0: [string] = ...
failed_resolve_0_to_file_in_1: [string, string] = ...
failed_to_convert_packages: [] = "Failed to convert one or more packages, result will not be merged together"
failed_to_find_0_to_inherit_comment_from_in_1: [string, string] = ...
failed_to_find_jsdoc_tag_for_name_0: [string] = ...
failed_to_find_packages: [] = "Failed to find any packages, ensure you have provided at least one directory as an entry point containing package.json"
failed_to_parse_json_0: [string] = ...
failed_to_read_0_when_processing_document_child_in_1: [string, string] = ...
failed_to_read_0_when_processing_document_tag_in_1: [string, string] = ...
failed_to_read_0_when_processing_project_document: [string] = ...
failed_to_resolve_0_to_ts_path: [string] = ...
failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_comment_for_1: [string, string] = ...
failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_comment_for_1_may_have_meant_2: [
] = ...
failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_document_1: [string, string] = ...
failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_document_1_may_have_meant_2: [
] = ...
failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_readme_for_1: [string, string] = ...
failed_to_resolve_link_to_0_in_readme_for_1_may_have_meant_2: [
] = ...
favicon_must_have_one_of_the_following_extensions_0: [string] = "Favicon must have on of the following extensions: {0}"
file_0_not_an_object: [string] = ...
flag_0_is_not_valid_for_1_expected_2: [string, string, string] = "The flag '{0}' is not valid for {1}, expected one of {2}"
flag_abstract: [] = "Abstract"
flag_const: [] = "Const"
flag_external: [] = "External"
flag_inherited: [] = "Inherited"
flag_optional: [] = "Optional"
flag_private: [] = "Private"
flag_protected: [] = "Protected"
flag_public: [] = "Public"
flag_readonly: [] = "Readonly"
flag_rest: [] = "Rest"
flag_static: [] = "Static"
flag_values_for_0_must_be_booleans: [string] = "Flag values for {0} must be a boolean"
found_0_errors_and_1_warnings: [string, string] = "Found {0} errors and {1} warnings"
frontmatter_children_0_should_be_an_array_of_strings_or_object_with_string_values: [
] = "Frontmatter children in {0} should be an array of strings or an object with string values"
git_remote_0_not_valid: [string] = ...
glob_0_did_not_match_any_files: [string] = ...
help_alwaysCreateEntryPointModule: [] = "When set, TypeDoc will always create a `Module` for entry points, even if only one is provided"
help_basePath: [] = "Specifies the base path to be used when displaying file paths"
help_blockTags: [] = "Block tags which TypeDoc should recognize when parsing comments"
help_cacheBust: [] = "Include the generation time in links to static assets"
help_categorizeByGroup: [] = "Specify whether categorization will be done at the group level"
help_categoryOrder: [] = "Specify the order in which categories appear. * indicates the relative order for categories not in the list"
help_cleanOutputDir: [] = "If set, TypeDoc will remove the output directory before writing output"
help_cname: [] = "Set the CNAME file text, it's useful for custom domains on GitHub Pages"
help_commentStyle: [] = "Determines how TypeDoc searches for comments"
help_compilerOptions: [] = "Selectively override the TypeScript compiler options used by TypeDoc"
help_customCss: [] = "Path to a custom CSS file to for the theme to import"
help_customFooterHtml: [] = "Custom footer after the TypeDoc link"
help_customFooterHtmlDisableWrapper: [] = "If set, disables the wrapper element for customFooterHtml"
help_customJs: [] = "Path to a custom JS file to import"
help_darkHighlightTheme: [] = "Specify the code highlighting theme in dark mode"
help_defaultCategory: [] = "Specify the default category for reflections without a category"
help_disableGit: [] = "Assume that all can be linked to with the sourceLinkTemplate, sourceLinkTemplate must be set if this is enabled. {path} will be rooted at basePath"
help_disableSources: [] = "Disable setting the source of a reflection when documenting it"
help_emit: [] = "Specify what TypeDoc should emit, 'docs', 'both', or 'none'"
help_entryPoints: [] = "The entry points of your documentation"
help_entryPointStrategy: [] = "The strategy to be used to convert entry points into documentation modules"
help_exclude: [] = "Define patterns to be excluded when expanding a directory that was specified as an entry point"
help_excludeCategories: [] = "Exclude symbols within this category from the documentation"
help_excludeExternals: [] = "Prevent externally resolved symbols from being documented"
help_excludeInternal: [] = "Prevent symbols that are marked with @internal from being documented"
help_excludeNotDocumented: [] = "Prevent symbols that are not explicitly documented from appearing in the results"
help_excludeNotDocumentedKinds: [] = "Specify the type of reflections that can be removed by excludeNotDocumented"
help_excludePrivate: [] = "Ignore private variables and methods, defaults to true."
help_excludeProtected: [] = "Ignore protected variables and methods"
help_excludeReferences: [] = "If a symbol is exported multiple times, ignore all but the first export"
help_excludeTags: [] = "Remove the listed block/modifier tags from doc comments"
help_externalPattern: [] = "Define patterns for files that should be considered being external"
help_externalSymbolLinkMappings: [] = "Define custom links for symbols not included in the documentation"
help_favicon: [] = "Path to favicon to include as the site icon"
help_githubPages: [] = "Generate a .nojekyll file to prevent 404 errors in GitHub Pages. Defaults to `true`"
help_gitRemote: [] = "Use the specified remote for linking to GitHub/Bitbucket source files. Has no effect if disableGit or disableSources is set"
help_gitRevision: [] = "Use specified revision instead of the last revision for linking to GitHub/Bitbucket source files. Has no effect if disableSources is set"
help_groupOrder: [] = "Specify the order in which groups appear. * indicates the relative order for groups not in the list"
help_groupReferencesByType: [] = "If set, references will be grouped with the type they refer to rather than in a 'References' group"
help_headings: [] = "Determines which optional headings are rendered"
help_help: [] = "Print this message"
help_hideGenerator: [] = "Do not print the TypeDoc link at the end of the page"
help_highlightLanguages: [] = "Specify the languages which will be loaded to highlight code when rendering"
help_hostedBaseUrl: [] = "Specify a base URL to be used in generating a sitemap.xml in our output folder and canonical links. If not specified, no sitemap will be generated"
help_html: [] = "Specify the location where html documentation should be written to."
help_ignoredHighlightLanguages: [] = "Specify languages which will be accepted as valid highlight languages, but will not be highlighted at runtime"
help_includeHierarchySummary: [] = "If set, a reflections hierarchy summary will be rendered to a summary page. Defaults to `true`"
help_includeVersion: [] = "Add the package version to the project name"
help_inlineTags: [] = "Inline tags which TypeDoc should recognize when parsing comments"
help_intentionallyNotExported: [] = "A list of types which should not produce 'referenced but not documented' warnings"
help_jsDocCompatibility: [] = "Sets compatibility options for comment parsing that increase similarity with JSDoc comments"
help_json: [] = "Specify the location and filename a JSON file describing the project is written to"
help_kindSortOrder: [] = "Specify the sort order for reflections when 'kind' is specified"
help_lang: [] = "Sets the language to be used in generation and in TypeDoc's messages"
help_lightHighlightTheme: [] = "Specify the code highlighting theme in light mode"
help_locales: [] = "Add translations for a specified locale. This option is primarily intended to be used as a stopgap while waiting for official locale support to be added to TypeDoc"
help_logLevel: [] = "Specify what level of logging should be used"
help_markdownItLoader: [] = "Specify a callback to be called when loading the markdown-it instance. Will be passed the instance of the parser which TypeDoc will use"
help_markdownItOptions: [] = "Specify the options passed to markdown-it, the Markdown parser used by TypeDoc"
help_markdownLinkExternal: [] = "Specifies that http[s]:// links in comments and markdown files should be treated as external links to be opened in a new tab"
help_maxTypeConversionDepth: [] = "Set the maximum depth of types to be converted"
help_modifierTags: [] = "Modifier tags which TypeDoc should recognize when parsing comments"
help_name: [] = "Set the name of the project that will be used in the header of the template"
help_navigation: [] = "Determines how the navigation sidebar is organized"
help_navigationLeaves: [] = "Branches of the navigation tree which should not be expanded"
help_navigationLinks: [] = "Defines links to be included in the header"
help_notRenderedTags: [] = "Tags which will be preserved in doc comments, but not rendered when creating output"
help_options: [] = "Specify a json option file that should be loaded. If not specified TypeDoc will look for 'typedoc.json' in the current directory"
help_out: [] = "Specify the location the documentation for the default output should be written to. The default output type may be changed by plugins."
help_packageOptions: [] = "Set options which will be set within each package when entryPointStrategy is set to packages"
help_plugin: [] = "Specify the npm plugins that should be loaded. Omit to load all installed plugins"
help_preserveLinkText: [] = "If set, @link tags without link text will use the text content as the link. If not set, will use the target reflection name"
help_preserveWatchOutput: [] = "If set, TypeDoc will not clear the screen between compilation runs"
help_pretty: [] = "Specify whether the output JSON should be formatted with tabs"
help_projectDocuments: [] = "Documents which should be added as children to the root of the generated documentation. Supports globs to match multiple files"
help_readme: [] = "Path to the readme file that should be displayed on the index page. Pass `none` to disable the index page and start the documentation on the globals page"
help_requiredToBeDocumented: [] = "A list of reflection kinds that must be documented"
help_searchCategoryBoosts: [] = "Configure search to give a relevance boost to selected categories"
help_searchGroupBoosts: [] = 'Configure search to give a relevance boost to selected kinds (eg "class")'
help_searchInComments: [] = "If set, the search index will also include comments. This will greatly increase the size of the search index"
help_searchInDocuments: [] = "If set, the search index will also include documents. This will greatly increase the size of the search index"
help_showConfig: [] = "Print the resolved configuration and exit"
help_sidebarLinks: [] = "Defines links to be included in the sidebar"
help_skipErrorChecking: [] = "Do not run TypeScript's type checking before generating docs"
help_sluggerConfiguration: [] = "Determines how anchors within rendered HTML are determined."
help_sort: [] = "Specify the sort strategy for documented values"
help_sortEntryPoints: [] = "If set, entry points will be subject to the same sorting rules as other reflections"
help_sourceLinkExternal: [] = "Specifies that source links should be treated as external links to be opened in a new tab"
help_sourceLinkTemplate: [] = "Specify a link template to be used when generating source urls. If not set, will be automatically created using the git remote. Supports {path}, {line}, {gitRevision} placeholders"
help_theme: [] = "Specify the theme name to render the documentation with"
help_titleLink: [] = "Set the link the title in the header points to. Defaults to the documentation homepage"
help_treatValidationWarningsAsErrors: [] = "If set, warnings emitted during validation will be treated as errors. This option cannot be used to disable treatWarningsAsErrors for validation warnings"
help_treatWarningsAsErrors: [] = "If set, all warnings will be treated as errors"
help_tsconfig: [] = "Specify a TypeScript config file that should be loaded. If not specified TypeDoc will look for 'tsconfig.json' in the current directory"
help_typePrintWidth: [] = "Width at which to wrap code to a new line when rendering a type"
help_useFirstParagraphOfCommentAsSummary: [] = "If set and no @summary tag is specified, TypeDoc will use the first paragraph of comments as the short summary in the module/namespace view"
help_useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks: [] = "If set, TypeDoc will produce absolute links to pages on your site using the hostedBaseUrl option"
help_useTsLinkResolution: [] = "Use TypeScript's link resolution when determining where @link tags point. This only applies to JSDoc style comments"
help_validation: [] = "Specify which validation steps TypeDoc should perform on your generated documentation"
help_version: [] = "Print TypeDoc's version"
help_visibilityFilters: [] = "Specify the default visibility for builtin filters and additional filters according to modifier tags"
help_watch: [] = "Watch files for changes and rebuild docs on change"
highlight_theme_0_must_be_one_of_1: [string, string] = "{0} must be one of the following: {1}"
highlightLanguages_contains_invalid_languages_0: [string] = "highlightLanguages contains invalid languages: {0}, run typedoc --help for a list of supported languages"
hostedBaseUrl_must_start_with_http: [] = "hostedBaseUrl must start with http:// or https://"
include_0_in_1_specified_2_circular_include_3: [string, string, string, string] = ...
include_0_in_1_specified_2_resolved_to_3_does_not_exist: [
] = ...
inheritdoc_circular_inheritance_chain_0: [string] = ...
inheritdoc_tag_properly_capitalized: [] = "The @inheritDoc tag should be properly capitalized"
inline_inheritdoc_should_not_appear_in_block_tag_in_comment_at_0: [string] = "An inline @inheritDoc tag should not appear within a block tag as it will not be processed in comment at {0}"
inline_tag_not_closed: [] = ...
invalid_intentionally_not_exported_symbols_0: [string] = "The following symbols were marked as intentionally not exported, but were either not referenced in the documentation, or were exported:\n\t{0}"
invalid_plugin_0_missing_load_function: [string] = ...
invalid_tsdoc_json_0: [string] = ...
kind_accessor: [] = "Accessor"
kind_call_signature: [] = "Call Signature"
kind_class: [] = "Class"
kind_constructor: [] = "Constructor"
kind_constructor_signature: [] = "Constructor Signature"
kind_document: [] = "Document"
kind_enum: [] = "Enumeration"
kind_enum_member: [] = "Enumeration Member"
kind_function: [] = "Function"
kind_get_signature: [] = "Get Signature"
kind_index_signature: [] = "Index Signature"
kind_interface: [] = "Interface"
kind_method: [] = "Method"
kind_module: [] = "Module"
kind_namespace: [] = "Namespace"
kind_parameter: [] = "Parameter"
kind_plural_accessor: [] = "Accessors"
kind_plural_call_signature: [] = "Call Signatures"
kind_plural_class: [] = "Classes"
kind_plural_constructor: [] = "Constructors"
kind_plural_constructor_signature: [] = "Constructor Signatures"
kind_plural_document: [] = "Documents"
kind_plural_enum: [] = "Enumerations"
kind_plural_enum_member: [] = "Enumeration Members"
kind_plural_function: [] = "Functions"
kind_plural_get_signature: [] = "Get Signatures"
kind_plural_index_signature: [] = "Index Signatures"
kind_plural_interface: [] = "Interfaces"
kind_plural_method: [] = "Methods"
kind_plural_module: [] = "Modules"
kind_plural_namespace: [] = "Namespaces"
kind_plural_parameter: [] = "Parameters"
kind_plural_project: [] = "Projects"
kind_plural_property: [] = "Properties"
kind_plural_reference: [] = "References"
kind_plural_set_signature: [] = "Set Signatures"
kind_plural_type_alias: [] = "Type Aliases"
kind_plural_type_literal: [] = "Type Literals"
kind_plural_type_parameter: [] = "Type Parameters"
kind_plural_variable: [] = "Variables"
kind_project: [] = "Project"
kind_property: [] = "Property"
kind_reference: [] = "Reference"
kind_set_signature: [] = "Set Signature"
kind_type_alias: [] = "Type Alias"
kind_type_literal: [] = "Type Literal"
kind_type_parameter: [] = "Type Parameter"
kind_variable: [] = "Variable"
label_0_for_1_cannot_be_referenced: [string, string] = ...
loaded_multiple_times_0: [string] = "TypeDoc has been loaded multiple times. This is commonly caused by plugins which have their own installation of TypeDoc. The loaded paths are:\n\t{0}"
loaded_plugin_0: [string] = ...
locales_must_be_an_object: [] = "The 'locales' option must be set to an object which resembles: { en: { theme_implements: \"Implements\" }}"
merging_converted_projects: [] = "Merging converted projects"
modifier_tag_0_is_mutually_exclusive_with_1_in_comment_for_2: [
] = ...
multiple_type_parameters_on_template_tag_unsupported: [] = ...
nested_packages_unsupported_0: [string] = "Project at {0} has entryPointStrategy set to packages, but nested packages are not supported"
no_compiler_options_set: [] = "No compiler options set. This likely means that TypeDoc did not find your tsconfig.json. Generated documentation will probably be empty"
no_entry_points_for_packages: [] = "No entry points provided to packages mode, documentation cannot be generated"
no_entry_points_provided: [] = "No entry points were provided or discovered from package.json exports, this is likely a misconfiguration"
no_entry_points_to_merge: [] = "No entry points provided to merge"
not_all_search_category_boosts_used_0: [string] = ...
not_all_search_group_boosts_used_0: [string] = ...
open_brace_within_inline_tag: [] = ...
option_0_can_only_be_specified_by_config_file: [string] = ...
option_0_expected_a_value_but_none_provided: [string] = ...
option_0_must_be_a_function: [string] = "The '{0}' option must be a function"
option_0_must_be_an_object: [string] = "The '{0}' option must be a non-array object"
option_0_must_be_between_1_and_2: [string, string, string] = "{0} must be between {1} and {2}"
option_0_must_be_equal_to_or_greater_than_1: [string, string] = "{0} must be equal to or greater than {1}"
option_0_must_be_less_than_or_equal_to_1: [string, string] = "{0} must be less than or equal to {1}"
option_0_must_be_object_with_urls: [string] = ...
option_0_must_be_one_of_1: [string, string] = "{0} must be one of {1}"
option_0_specified_1_but_only_2_is_valid: [string, string, string] = ...
option_0_values_must_be_array_of_tags: [string] = "{0} must be an array of valid tag names"
option_0_values_must_be_numbers: [string] = "All values of {0} must be numbers"
option_outputs_must_be_array: [] = ...
options_file_0_does_not_exist: [string] = ...
output_0_could_not_be_generated: [string] = "{0} output could not be generated due to the errors above"
output_0_generated_at_1: [string, string] = "{0} generated at {1}"
plugin_0_could_not_be_loaded: [string] = ...
previous_error_occurred_when_reading_options_for_0: [string] = "The previous error occurred when reading options for the package at {0}"
provided_readme_at_0_could_not_be_read: [string] = ...
reflection_0_has_unused_mergeModuleWith_tag: [string] = "{0} has a @mergeModuleWith tag which could not be resolved"
reflection_0_kind_1_defined_in_2_does_not_have_any_documentation: [
] = ...
reflection_0_links_to_1_but_anchor_does_not_exist_try_2: [
] = ...
reflection_0_links_to_1_with_text_2_but_resolved_to_3: [
] = ...
reflection_0_tried_to_copy_comment_from_1_but_source_had_no_comment: [
] = ...
reflection_0_tried_to_merge_into_child_1: [string, string] = ...
relative_path_0_is_not_a_file_and_will_not_be_copied_to_output: [string] = ...
saved_relative_path_0_resolved_from_1_is_not_a_file: [string, string] = ...
serialized_project_referenced_0_not_part_of_project: [string] = ...
signature_0_has_unused_param_with_name_1: [string, string] = ...
solution_not_supported_in_watch_mode: [] = "The provided tsconfig file looks like a solution style tsconfig, which is not supported in watch mode"
specified_output_0_has_not_been_defined: [string] = ...
strategy_not_supported_in_watch_mode: [] = "entryPointStrategy must be set to either resolve or expand for watch mode"
symbol_0_has_multiple_declarations_with_comment: [string] = ...
tag_abstract: []
tag_alpha: []
tag_augments: []
tag_author: []
tag_beta: []
tag_callback: []
tag_category: []
tag_categoryDescription: []
tag_class: []
tag_default: []
tag_defaultValue: []
tag_deprecated: []
tag_document: []
tag_enum: []
tag_event: []
tag_eventProperty: []
tag_example: []
tag_expand: []
tag_experimental: []
tag_extends: []
tag_group: []
tag_groupDescription: []
tag_hidden: []
tag_hideCategories: []
tag_hideconstructor: []
tag_hideGroups: []
tag_ignore: []
tag_import: []
tag_include: []
tag_includeCode: []
tag_inheritDoc: []
tag_inline: []
tag_interface: []
tag_internal: []
tag_jsx: []
tag_label: []
tag_license: []
tag_link: []
tag_linkcode: []
tag_linkplain: []
tag_mergeModuleWith: []
tag_module: []
tag_namespace: []
tag_overload: []
tag_override: []
tag_packageDocumentation: []
tag_param: []
tag_private: []
tag_privateRemarks: []
tag_prop: []
tag_property: []
tag_protected: []
tag_public: []
tag_readonly: []
tag_remarks: []
tag_return: []
tag_returns: []
tag_satisfies: []
tag_sealed: []
tag_see: []
tag_showCategories: []
tag_showGroups: []
tag_since: []
tag_summary: []
tag_template: []
tag_throws: []
tag_type: []
tag_typedef: []
tag_typeParam: []
tag_useDeclaredType: []
tag_virtual: []
tag_yields: []
tags_0_defined_in_typedoc_json_overwritten_by_tsdoc_json: [string] = ...
theme_0_is_not_defined_available_are_1: [string, string] = ...
theme_copied: [] = "Copied!"
theme_copy: [] = "Copy"
theme_dark: [] = "Dark"
theme_defined_in: [] = "Defined in"
theme_generated_using_typedoc: [] = "Generated using TypeDoc"
theme_hierarchy: [] = "Hierarchy"
theme_hierarchy_collapse: [] = "Collapse"
theme_hierarchy_expand: [] = "Expand"
theme_hierarchy_summary: [] = "Hierarchy Summary"
theme_hierarchy_view_summary: [] = "View Summary"
theme_implementation_of: [] = "Implementation of"
theme_implemented_by: [] = "Implemented by"
theme_implements: [] = "Implements"
theme_index: [] = "Index"
theme_indexable: [] = "Indexable"
theme_inherited_from: [] = "Inherited from"
theme_light: [] = "Light"
theme_loading: [] = "Loading..."
theme_member_visibility: [] = "Member Visibility"
theme_menu: [] = "Menu"
theme_normally_hidden: [] = "This member is normally hidden due to your filter settings."
theme_on_this_page: [] = "On This Page"
theme_os: [] = "OS"
theme_overrides: [] = "Overrides"
theme_permalink: [] = "Permalink"
theme_preparing_search_index: [] = "Preparing search index..."
theme_returns: [] = "Returns"
theme_search: [] = "Search"
theme_search_index_not_available: [] = "The search index is not available"
theme_settings: [] = "Settings"
theme_theme: [] = "Theme"
theme_type_declaration: [] = "Type declaration"
treating_unrecognized_tag_0_as_modifier: [string] = ...
tsconfig_file_0_does_not_exist: [string] = ...
tsconfig_file_specifies_options_file: [] = ...
tsconfig_file_specifies_tsconfig_file: [] = ...
type_0_defined_in_1_is_referenced_by_2_but_not_included_in_docs: [
] = ...
typedoc_key_in_0_ignored: [string] = ...
typedoc_options_must_be_object_in_0: [string] = ...
unable_to_find_any_entry_points: [] = "Unable to find any entry points. See previous warnings"
unescaped_open_brace_without_inline_tag: [] = ...
unknown_block_tag_0: [string] = ...
unknown_inline_tag_0: [string] = ...
unknown_option_0_may_have_meant_1: [string, string] = ...
unknown_option_0_you_may_have_meant_1: [string, string] = ...
unloaded_language_0_not_highlighted_in_comment_for_1: [string, string] = ...
unmatched_closing_brace: [] = ...
unsupported_highlight_language_0_not_highlighted_in_comment_for_1: [
] = ...
unsupported_ts_version_0: [string] = "You are running with an unsupported TypeScript version! If TypeDoc crashes, this is why. TypeDoc supports {0}"
use_expand_or_glob_for_files_in_dir: [] = ...
useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks_requires_hostedBaseUrl: [] = "The useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks option requires that hostedBaseUrl be set"
visibility_filters_must_be_booleans: [] = ...
visibility_filters_only_include_0: [string] = ...
watch_does_not_support_merge_mode: [] = "Watch mode does not support 'merge' style entry points"
watch_does_not_support_packages_mode: [] = "Watch mode does not support 'packages' style entry points"
yaml_frontmatter_not_an_object: [] = ...