Class CancellablePromise<T>

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A promise with a cancel method. If canceled, the CancellablePromise will reject with a Cancellation object. Originally from real-cancellable-promise.

Type Parameters

  • T

    what the CancellablePromise resolves to




Descriptions can be added for groups with @groupDescription, which will show up in the index where groups are listed. This works for both manually created groups which are created with @group, and implicit groups like the Methods group that this description is attached to.



promise: Promise<T>

As a consumer of the library, you shouldn't ever need to access CancellablePromise.promise directly.

If you are subclassing CancellablePromise for some reason, you can access this property.

cancel: (reason?: string) => void

Cancel the CancellablePromise.


  • Analogous to Promise.then.

    onFulfilled on onRejected can return a value, a normal promise, or a CancellablePromise. So you can make a chain a CancellablePromises like this:

    const overallPromise = cancellableAsyncFunction1()

    Then if you call overallPromise.cancel, cancel is called on all CancellablePromises in the chain! In practice, this means that whichever async operation is in progress will be canceled.

    Type Parameters

    • TResult1 = T
    • TResult2 = never


    Returns CancellablePromise<TResult1 | TResult2>

    a new CancellablePromise

  • Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.


    • OptionalonFinally: null | () => void

      The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).

    Returns CancellablePromise<T>

    A Promise for the completion of the callback.

  • Creates a CancellablePromise that is resolved with an array of results when all of the provided Promises resolve or reject.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends readonly unknown[] | readonly [unknown]


    • values: T

      An array of Promises.

    Returns CancellablePromise<
            -readonly [P in string
            | number
            | symbol]: PromiseSettledResult<
                T[P<P>] extends PromiseLike<U> ? U : T[P<P>],

    A new CancellablePromise.

  • Creates a CancellablePromise that is resolved with an array of results when all of the provided Promises resolve or reject.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • values: Iterable<T>

      An array of Promises.

    Returns CancellablePromise<PromiseSettledResult<T extends PromiseLike<U> ? U : T>[]>

    A new CancellablePromise. Canceling it cancels all of the input promises.