TypeDoc supports code blocks in Markdown and uses Shiki to provide syntax highlighting.
TypeDoc supports all languages supported by Shiki, but does not load all of
them by default. The highlightLanguages
option can be used to customize
which languages are loaded for highlighting. The ignoredHighlightLanguages
option can be used to specify languages which should not be highlighted.
If no language is specified, the code block is assumed to be TypeScript:
// A fabulous variable
const x: number | string = 12
You can specify the language at the start of your code block like this:
Use the tsx
language to get JSX support:
function BasicComponent(): ReactElement {
return <div>Test</div>;
You might want to write code in the language your backend uses. Here's some Python:
for i in range(30):
print(i + 1)
And some CSS:
.card {
background-color: white;
padding: 1rem;
border: 1px solid lightgray;
If you don't want syntax highlighting, use the text
View the full list of supported
You can also get this list by running typedoc --help