Class WalkInCustomer

A class that extends Customer.

Notice how TypeDoc shows the inheritance hierarchy for our class.

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • The constructor of the Customer class.


    • id: number

      the customer's database ID

    • name: string

      the customer's name

    • nextOrderNumber: string | number

      the next number to use when this customer places an order

    Returns WalkInCustomer


id: number

A public readonly property.

name: string

A public property that can be reassigned.

contactName?: string

An optional protected property.

trustedCustomer?: boolean

A property defined on the subclass.


  • get nextOrderNumber(): string

    A getter that prepends a number sign to the private _nextOrderNumber property.

    Returns string

  • set nextOrderNumber(value: string | number): void

    A setter that takes in either a string or a number and sets the private _nextOrderNumber property.


    • value: string | number

    Returns void
