These options control how content is structured on generated pages.

$ typedoc --groupReferencesByType

Specifies that re-exports to a member already included in the documentation should be grouped under the type that the referenced member is grouped within. By default, TypeDoc will group these references in a References group.

$ typedoc --categorizeByGroup

This flag categorizes reflections by group (within properties, methods, etc). To allow methods and properties of the same category to be grouped together, set this flag to false. Defaults to false.

$ typedoc --defaultCategory "Category Name"

Sets the name for the default category which is used when only some elements of the page are categorized. Defaults to 'Other'

// typedoc.json
"categoryOrder": ["Category Name", "Other Category", "*"]

Array option which allows overriding the order categories display in. A string of * indicates where categories that are not in the list should appear.

Categories whose order is not specified will be sorted alphabetically. If * is not specified and unknown categories are found, they will be listed at the end by default.

// typedoc.json
"groupOrder": ["Variables", "Functions", "*"]

Array option which allows overriding the order groups display in. A string of * indicates where groups that are not in the list should appear.

Groups whose order is not specified will be sorted alphabetically. If * is not specified and unknown groups are found, they will be listed at the end by default.

$ typedoc --sort static-first --sort alphabetical

Specifies the sort order for members. Sorting strategies will be applied in order. If an earlier sorting strategy determines the relative ordering of two reflections, later ordering strategies will not be applied.

For example, with the setting ["static-first", "visibility"], TypeDoc will first compare two reflections by if they are static or not, and if that comparison returns equal, will check the visibility of each reflection. On the other hand, if ["visibility", "static-first"] is specified, TypeDoc would sort all public properties first and then sort each group to put static properties first. This means that ["source-order", "static-first"] is equivalent to ["source-order"] since ordering by position in source will always produce a non-equal comparison.

The available sorting strategies are:

  • source-order (sorts by file, then by position in file)
  • alphabetical
  • enum-value-ascending (only applies to children of an enum)
  • enum-value-descending (only applies to children of an enum)
  • static-first
  • instance-first
  • visibility (public, then protected, then private)
  • required-first
  • kind (order according to the kindSortOrder option)
  • external-last
  • documents-first
  • documents-last
  • alphabetical-ignoring-documents
$ typedoc --sortEntryPoints false

By default, TypeDoc sorts the members of all pages according to the sort option, this option can be used to disable sorting at the top level.

Specifies the relative ordering of reflections if kind is specified in the sort option. The default order is:

// typedoc.json
"kindSortOrder": [