Package Options


This page only applies when running with entryPointStrategy set to "packages".

When running with entryPointStrategy set to "packages". TypeDoc will effectively be run within each entry point directory, and the results merged together.

When running in each directory, TypeDoc does not copy options from the root configuration object. This means that any options used during conversion need to be set within each project, while options used during rendering need to be set at the root level. The following tables indicate where an option should be set.

Option Location Notes
options Both TypeDoc will read option files when converting each directory and when looking for configuration initially
tsconfig Both TypeDoc will read option files when converting each directory and when looking for configuration initially
compilerOptions Package In packages mode the TS compiler isn't invoked at the root level
plugin Root Plugins will only be loaded from the root configuration
Option Location Notes
entryPoints Both Root: project directories to convert, Package: source code to convert
entryPointStrategy Both Root: "packages", Package: anything but "packages"
packageOptions Root Options to be applied to each package
alwaysCreateEntryPointModule Both Likely only useful in packages as there will generally be more than one package
projectDocuments Both Root: Docs at the root level, Package: Docs at the package level
exclude Both Root: Packages to exclude, Package: Entry points and exports to exclude.
externalPattern Package
excludeExternals Both Root: If the "Externals" filter should be shown in HTML rendering, Package: Exclude items when converting
excludeNotDocumented Package
excludeNotDocumentedKinds Package
excludeInternal Package
excludePrivate Package
excludeProtected Package
excludeReferences Package
excludeCategories Package
maxTypeConversionDepth Package
name Both Root: Site name, Package: Package name
includeVersion Both Root: Repo version, Package: Package version
disableSources Package Rendering will always write sources if present, they must be disabled when converting
sourceLinkTemplate Package Source links are set when converting packages
gitRevision Package
gitRemote Package
disableGit Package
readme Both Root: Site readme, Package: Package readme
includeHierarchySummary Root
Option Location Notes
outputs Root Outputs are not written when processing each package
out Root
html Root
json Root
pretty Root
emit Both
theme Root
lightHighlightTheme Root
darkHighlightTheme Root
highlightLanguages Root
ignoredHighlightLanguages Root
typePrintWidth Root
customCss Root
customJs Root
customFooterHtml Root
customFooterHtmlDisableWrapper Root
markdownItOptions Root
markdownItLoader Root
basePath Both Used to determine file names of entry points and documents
cname Root
favicon Root
sourceLinkExternal Root
markdownLinkExternal Root
lang Both Will move to Root in TypeDoc 0.28
locales Both Will move to Root in TypeDoc 0.28
githubPages Root
cacheBust Root
hideGenerator Root
searchInComments Root
searchInDocuments Root
cleanOutputDir Root
titleLink Root
navigationLinks Root
sidebarLinks Root
navigation Root
headings Root
sluggerConfiguration Root
navigationLeaves Root
visibilityFilters Root
searchCategoryBoosts Root
searchGroupBoosts Root
hostedBaseUrl Root
useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks Root
useFirstParagraphOfCommentAsSummary Root
Option Location Notes
commentStyle Package
useTsLinkResolution Package
preserveLinkText Package
jsDocCompatibility Package
suppressCommentWarningsInDeclarationFiles Package
blockTags Package
inlineTags Package
modifierTags Package
cascadedModifierTags Package
excludeTags Package
notRenderedTags Root
externalSymbolLinkMappings Both Unresolved links are checked both when converting and when merging projects
Option Location Notes
groupReferencesByType Both Root: Used when determining the group for search group boosts, Package: Used when grouping
categorizeByGroup Package
defaultCategory Both Root: Used when determining the category for search, Package: Used when categorizing
categoryOrder Package
groupOrder Package
sort Both Root: Sorting for packages, Package: Sorting within packages
sortEntryPoints Both Root: Whether to sort packages, Package: Whether to sort entry points
kindSortOrder Package
Option Location Notes
validation Both TypeDoc changes the default for packages to defer validation until projects have been merged. Should generally only be set in the root
treatWarningsAsErrors Root
treatValidationWarningsAsErrors Root
intentionallyNotExported Both
requiredToBeDocumented Both
intentionallyNotDocumented Both
Option Location Notes
watch Root Not supported in packages mode
preserveWatchOutput Root
help Root
version Root
showConfig Root Only shows root configuration values
logLevel Root
skipErrorChecking Package