
TypeDoc supports a specific set of tags. Many JSDoc tags are not supported because the TypeScript compiler can infer the same information directly from code. Any tags which are not recognized will result in a warning being emitted. TypeDoc will still parse the documentation comment, using context clues to determine the likely intended tag type.

TypeDoc supports defining what tags are supported through either a tsdoc.json file or via the --blockTags, --inlineTags, and --modifierTags options. If defined in a tsdoc.json file, the file must be placed alongside tsconfig.json. See the TSDoc documentation for details on the file format.

"$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/json-schemas/tsdoc/v0/tsdoc.schema.json",
"extends": ["typedoc/tsdoc.json"],
"noStandardTags": false,
"tagDefinitions": [
"tagName": "@customTag",
"syntaxKind": "modifier"

Block tags are tags that are associated with the following text. They can be used to divide documentation into sections (@remarks), modify how the reflection is organized (@group) or provide examples for how to use the export (@example).

* Summary
* @remarks
* Additional details
* @example
* ```ts
* factorial(3) // => 6
* ```

Modifier tags have no associated content and serve only to specify some special behavior for how the reflection is processed by setting some binary flag. For example, @hidden will remove a reflection from the documentation while @internal will mark the reflection as internal for use with --visibilityFilters or --excludeInternal.

Inline tags are used to mark text within a paragraph for processing by TypeDoc. The most important ones are the @link and @inheritDoc tags.

If your project uses TypeScript to type check JavaScript, TypeDoc will pick up type aliases and interfaces defined with @typedef and @callback. See the TypeScript handbook for details.