    Preparing search index...

    TypeDoc requires Node.js to run. It supports the current LTS version or newer. It can be installed either locally to your project or globally.


    If you install globally, be aware that npm/cli#7057 means that plugins and themes will get their own installation of TypeDoc unless you use the --legacy-peer-deps flag. This will break many plugins and cause warnings from TypeDoc.

    TypeDoc aims to support the two latest TypeScript releases for the current release. Depending on the scale of breaking changes introduced in a new TypeScript version, a given version may support more versions of TypeScript. TypeDoc may work with older (or newer) TypeScript versions, but the supported version range will generally not include versions not supported by DefinitelyTyped.

    TypeDoc Version TypeScript Version Status
    0.28 5.0 through 5.8 ✅ Maintained
    0.27 5.0 through 5.8 ⚠️ Security Updates
    0.26 4.6 through 5.6 ❌ Unmaintained
    0.25 4.6 through 5.4 ❌ Unmaintained
    0.24 4.6 through 5.1 ❌ Unmaintained
    0.23 4.6 through 5.0 ❌ Unmaintained
    0.22 4.0 through 4.7 ❌ Unmaintained
    0.21 4.0 through 4.4 ❌ Unmaintained
    0.20 3.9 through 4.2 ❌ Unmaintained
    0.19 3.9 through 4.0 ❌ Unmaintained

    TypeDoc's CLI can be used through your terminal or npm scripts. Any arguments passed to TypeDoc which are not flags are parsed as entry points. TypeDoc will also read configuration from several files. See Configuration for details on where options are read from.

    typedoc --help
    typedoc path/to/entry.ts
     --alwaysCreateEntryPointModule               When set, TypeDoc will always create a `Module` for entry points, even if only one is provided
     --basePath                                   Specifies the base path to be used when displaying file paths
     --blockTags                                  Block tags which TypeDoc should recognize when parsing comments
     --cacheBust                                  Include the generation time in links to static assets
     --cascadedModifierTags                       Modifier tags which should be copied to all children of the parent reflection
     --categorizeByGroup                          Specify whether categorization will be done at the group level
     --categoryOrder                              Specify the order in which categories appear. * indicates the relative order for categories not in the list
     --cleanOutputDir                             If set, TypeDoc will remove the output directory before writing output
     --cname                                      Set the CNAME file text, it's useful for custom domains on GitHub Pages
     --commentStyle                               Determines how TypeDoc searches for comments
     --customCss                                  Path to a custom CSS file to for the theme to import
     --customFooterHtml                           Custom footer after the TypeDoc link
     --customFooterHtmlDisableWrapper             If set, disables the wrapper element for customFooterHtml
     --customJs                                   Path to a custom JS file to import
     --darkHighlightTheme                         Specify the code highlighting theme in dark mode
     --defaultCategory                            Specify the default category for reflections without a category
     --disableGit                                 Assume that all can be linked to with the sourceLinkTemplate, sourceLinkTemplate must be set if this is enabled. {path} will be rooted at basePath
     --disableSources                             Disable setting the source of a reflection when documenting it
     --emit                                       Specify what TypeDoc should emit, 'docs', 'both', or 'none'
     --entryPoints                                The entry points of your documentation
     --entryPointStrategy                         The strategy to be used to convert entry points into documentation modules
     --exclude                                    Define patterns to be excluded when expanding a directory that was specified as an entry point
     --excludeCategories                          Exclude symbols within this category from the documentation
     --excludeExternals                           Prevent externally resolved symbols from being documented
     --excludeInternal                            Prevent symbols that are marked with @internal from being documented
     --excludeNotDocumented                       Prevent symbols that are not explicitly documented from appearing in the results
     --excludeNotDocumentedKinds                  Specify the type of reflections that can be removed by excludeNotDocumented
     --excludePrivate                             Ignore private variables and methods, defaults to true.
     --excludeProtected                           Ignore protected variables and methods
     --excludeReferences                          If a symbol is exported multiple times, ignore all but the first export
     --excludeTags                                Remove the listed block/modifier tags from doc comments
     --externalPattern                            Define patterns for files that should be considered being external
     --externalSymbolLinkMappings                 Define custom links for symbols not included in the documentation
     --favicon                                    Path to favicon to include as the site icon
     --githubPages                                Generate a .nojekyll file to prevent 404 errors in GitHub Pages. Defaults to `true`
     --gitRemote                                  Use the specified remote for linking to GitHub/Bitbucket source files. Has no effect if disableGit or disableSources is set
     --gitRevision                                Use specified revision instead of the last revision for linking to GitHub/Bitbucket source files. Has no effect if disableSources is set
     --groupOrder                                 Specify the order in which groups appear. * indicates the relative order for groups not in the list
     --groupReferencesByType                      If set, references will be grouped with the type they refer to rather than in a 'References' group
     --headings                                   Determines which optional headings are rendered
     --help                                       Print this message
     --hideGenerator                              Do not print the TypeDoc link at the end of the page
     --highlightLanguages                         Specify the languages which will be loaded to highlight code when rendering
     --hostedBaseUrl                              Specify a base URL to be used in generating a sitemap.xml in our output folder and canonical links. If not specified, no sitemap will be generated
     --html                                       Specify the location where html documentation should be written to.
     --ignoredHighlightLanguages                  Specify languages which will be accepted as valid highlight languages, but will not be highlighted at runtime
     --includeHierarchySummary                    If set, a reflections hierarchy summary will be rendered to a summary page. Defaults to `true`
     --includeVersion                             Add the package version to the project name
     --inlineTags                                 Inline tags which TypeDoc should recognize when parsing comments
     --intentionallyNotDocumented                 A list of full reflection names which should not produce warnings about not being documented
     --intentionallyNotExported                   A list of types which should not produce 'referenced but not documented' warnings
     --jsDocCompatibility                         Sets compatibility options for comment parsing that increase similarity with JSDoc comments
     --json                                       Specify the location and filename a JSON file describing the project is written to
     --kindSortOrder                              Specify the sort order for reflections when 'kind' is specified
     --lang                                       Sets the language to be used in generation and in TypeDoc's messages
     --lightHighlightTheme                        Specify the code highlighting theme in light mode
     --logLevel                                   Specify what level of logging should be used
     --markdownLinkExternal                       Specifies that http[s]:// links in comments and markdown files should be treated as external links to be opened in a new tab
     --maxTypeConversionDepth                     Set the maximum depth of types to be converted
     --modifierTags                               Modifier tags which TypeDoc should recognize when parsing comments
     --name                                       Set the name of the project that will be used in the header of the template
     --navigation                                 Determines how the navigation sidebar is organized
     --navigationLeaves                           Branches of the navigation tree which should not be expanded
     --navigationLinks                            Defines links to be included in the header
     --notRenderedTags                            Tags which will be preserved in doc comments, but not rendered when creating output
     --options                                    Specify a json option file that should be loaded. If not specified TypeDoc will look for 'typedoc.json' in the current directory
     --out                                        Specify the location the documentation for the default output should be written to. The default output type may be changed by plugins.
     --packagesRequiringDocumentation             A list of packages that must be documented
     --plugin                                     Specify the npm plugins that should be loaded. Omit to load all installed plugins
     --preserveLinkText                           If set, @link tags without link text will use the text content as the link. If not set, will use the target reflection name
     --preserveWatchOutput                        If set, TypeDoc will not clear the screen between compilation runs
     --pretty                                     Specify whether the output JSON should be formatted with tabs
     --projectDocuments                           Documents which should be added as children to the root of the generated documentation. Supports globs to match multiple files
     --readme                                     Path to the readme file that should be displayed on the index page. Pass `none` to disable the index page and start the documentation on the globals page
     --requiredToBeDocumented                     A list of reflection kinds that must be documented
     --router                                     Specify the router name to use to determine file names in the documentation
     --searchInComments                           If set, the search index will also include comments. This will greatly increase the size of the search index
     --searchInDocuments                          If set, the search index will also include documents. This will greatly increase the size of the search index
     --showConfig                                 Print the resolved configuration and exit
     --sidebarLinks                               Defines links to be included in the sidebar
     --skipErrorChecking                          Do not run TypeScript's type checking before generating docs
     --sluggerConfiguration                       Determines how anchors within rendered HTML are determined.
     --sort                                       Specify the sort strategy for documented values
     --sortEntryPoints                            If set, entry points will be subject to the same sorting rules as other reflections
     --sourceLinkExternal                         Specifies that source links should be treated as external links to be opened in a new tab
     --sourceLinkTemplate                         Specify a link template to be used when generating source urls. If not set, will be automatically created using the git remote. Supports {path}, {line}, {gitRevision} placeholders
     --suppressCommentWarningsInDeclarationFiles  Prevents warnings due to unspecified tags from being reported in comments within .d.ts files.
     --theme                                      Specify the theme name to render the documentation with
     --titleLink                                  Set the link the title in the header points to. Defaults to the documentation homepage
     --treatValidationWarningsAsErrors            If set, warnings emitted during validation will be treated as errors. This option cannot be used to disable treatWarningsAsErrors for validation warnings
     --treatWarningsAsErrors                      If set, all warnings will be treated as errors
     --tsconfig                                   Specify a TypeScript config file that should be loaded. If not specified TypeDoc will look for 'tsconfig.json' in the current directory
     --typePrintWidth                             Width at which to wrap code to a new line when rendering a type
     --useFirstParagraphOfCommentAsSummary        If set and no @summary tag is specified, TypeDoc will use the first paragraph of comments as the short summary in the module/namespace view
     --useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks           If set, TypeDoc will produce absolute links to pages on your site using the hostedBaseUrl option
     --useTsLinkResolution                        Use TypeScript's link resolution when determining where @link tags point. This only applies to JSDoc style comments
     --validation                                 Specify which validation steps TypeDoc should perform on your generated documentation
     --version                                    Print TypeDoc's version
     --watch                                      Watch files for changes and rebuild docs on change
    Supported highlighting languages:
    1c                  1c-query            abap                actionscript-3      
    ada                 adoc                angular-html        angular-ts          
    apache              apex                apl                 applescript         
    ara                 asciidoc            asm                 astro               
    awk                 ballerina           bash                bat                 
    batch               be                  beancount           berry               
    bibtex              bicep               blade               bsl                 
    c                   c#                  c++                 cadence             
    cairo               cdc                 clarity             clj                 
    clojure             closure-templates   cmake               cmd                 
    cobol               codeowners          codeql              coffee              
    coffeescript        common-lisp         console             coq                 
    cpp                 cql                 crystal             cs                  
    csharp              css                 csv                 cue                 
    cypher              d                   dart                dax                 
    desktop             diff                docker              dockerfile          
    dotenv              dream-maker         edge                elisp               
    elixir              elm                 emacs-lisp          erb                 
    erl                 erlang              f                   f#                  
    f03                 f08                 f18                 f77                 
    f90                 f95                 fennel              fish                
    fluent              for                 fortran-fixed-form  fortran-free-form   
    fs                  fsharp              fsl                 ftl                 
    gdresource          gdscript            gdshader            genie               
    gherkin             git-commit          git-rebase          gjs                 
    gleam               glimmer-js          glimmer-ts          glsl                
    gnuplot             go                  gql                 graphql             
    groovy              gts                 hack                haml                
    handlebars          haskell             haxe                hbs                 
    hcl                 hjson               hlsl                hs                  
    html                html-derivative     http                hxml                
    hy                  imba                ini                 jade                
    java                javascript          jinja               jison               
    jl                  js                  json                json5               
    jsonc               jsonl               jsonnet             jssm                
    jsx                 julia               kotlin              kql                 
    kt                  kts                 kusto               latex               
    lean                lean4               less                liquid              
    lisp                lit                 llvm                log                 
    logo                lua                 luau                make                
    makefile            markdown            marko               matlab              
    md                  mdc                 mdx                 mediawiki           
    mermaid             mips                mipsasm             mmd                 
    mojo                move                nar                 narrat              
    nextflow            nf                  nginx               nim                 
    nix                 nu                  nushell             objc                
    objective-c         objective-cpp       ocaml               pascal              
    perl                perl6               php                 plsql               
    po                  polar               postcss             pot                 
    potx                powerquery          powershell          prisma              
    prolog              properties          proto               protobuf            
    ps                  ps1                 pug                 puppet              
    purescript          py                  python              ql                  
    qml                 qmldir              qss                 r                   
    racket              raku                razor               rb                  
    reg                 regex               regexp              rel                 
    riscv               rs                  rst                 ruby                
    rust                sas                 sass                scala               
    scheme              scss                sdbl                sh                  
    shader              shaderlab           shell               shellscript         
    shellsession        smalltalk           solidity            soy                 
    sparql              spl                 splunk              sql                 
    ssh-config          stata               styl                stylus              
    svelte              swift               system-verilog      systemd             
    talon               talonscript         tasl                tcl                 
    templ               terraform           tex                 text                
    tf                  tfvars              toml                ts                  
    ts-tags             tsp                 tsv                 tsx                 
    turtle              twig                txt                 typ                 
    typescript          typespec            typst               v                   
    vala                vb                  verilog             vhdl                
    vim                 viml                vimscript           vue                 
    vue-html            vy                  vyper               wasm                
    wenyan              wgsl                wiki                wikitext            
    wit                 wl                  wolfram             xml                 
    xsl                 yaml                yml                 zenscript           
    zig                 zsh                 文言                  
    Supported highlighting themes:
    andromeeda                  aurora-x                    
    ayu-dark                    catppuccin-frappe           
    catppuccin-latte            catppuccin-macchiato        
    catppuccin-mocha            dark-plus                   
    dracula                     dracula-soft                
    everforest-dark             everforest-light            
    github-dark                 github-dark-default         
    github-dark-dimmed          github-dark-high-contrast   
    github-light                github-light-default        
    github-light-high-contrast  gruvbox-dark-hard           
    gruvbox-dark-medium         gruvbox-dark-soft           
    gruvbox-light-hard          gruvbox-light-medium        
    gruvbox-light-soft          houston                     
    kanagawa-dragon             kanagawa-lotus              
    kanagawa-wave               laserwave                   
    light-plus                  material-theme              
    material-theme-darker       material-theme-lighter      
    material-theme-ocean        material-theme-palenight    
    min-dark                    min-light                   
    monokai                     night-owl                   
    nord                        one-dark-pro                
    one-light                   plastic                     
    poimandres                  red                         
    rose-pine                   rose-pine-dawn              
    rose-pine-moon              slack-dark                  
    slack-ochin                 snazzy-light                
    solarized-dark              solarized-light             
    synthwave-84                tokyo-night                 
    vesper                      vitesse-black               
    vitesse-dark                vitesse-light

    TypeDoc exposes an API which can be used to run it without any configuration files.

    import * as td from "typedoc";

    // Application.bootstrap also exists, which will not load plugins
    // Also accepts an array of option readers if you want to disable
    // TypeDoc's tsconfig.json/package.json/typedoc.json option readers
    const app = await td.Application.bootstrapWithPlugins({
    // Note: This accepts globs, do not pass paths with backslash path separators!
    entryPoints: ["src/index.ts"],

    // May be undefined if errors are encountered.
    const project = await app.convert();

    if (project) {
    // Generate configured outputs
    await generateOutputs(project);

    // Alternatively...
    const outputDir = "docs";
    // Generate HTML rendered docs
    await app.generateDocs(project, outputDir);
    // Alternatively generate JSON output
    await app.generateJson(project, outputDir + "/docs.json");

    TypeDoc exports a limited portion of its API surface for users who want to process serialized JSON from TypeDoc within a browser via typedoc/browser. The browser entry point includes the following components:

    • TypeDoc's models
    • Serializer and Deserializer classes
    • A small set of utility functions
    import {
    } from "typedoc/browser";

    // Similar paths are available for ja, ko, zh
    import translations from "typedoc/browser/en";

    // Before doing anything with TypeDoc, it should be configured with translations

    const projectJson = await fetch("...").then(r => r.json());

    const logger = new ConsoleLogger();
    const deserializer = new Deserializer(logger);
    const project = deserializer.reviveProject("API Docs", projectJson, {
    projectRoot: "/",
    registry: new FileRegistry(),

    // Now we can use TypeDoc's models to more easily analyze the json