Class PageEvent<Model>

An event emitted by the Renderer class before and after the markup of a page is rendered.

Type Parameters

  • out Model = unknown



BEGIN: "beginPage"

Triggered before a document will be rendered.

END: "endPage"

Triggered after a document has been rendered, just before it is written to disc.


  • Start a new section of the page. Sections are collapsible within the "On This Page" sidebar.


    • title: string

    Returns void


filename: string

The filename the page will be written to.

model: Model

The model that should be rendered on this page.

pageHeadings: PageHeading[] = []

Links to content within this page that should be rendered in the page navigation. This is built when rendering the document content.

pageSections: { headings: PageHeading[]; title: string }[] = ...

Sections of the page, generally set by @groups

The project the renderer is currently processing.

url: string

The url this page will be located at.

contents?: string

The final html content of this page.

Should be rendered by layout templates and can be modified by plugins.