Interface TypeDocOptionMap

Describes all TypeDoc options. Used internally to provide better types when fetching options. External consumers should likely use TypeDocOptions instead.

If writing a plugin, you may find it useful to use declaration merging to add your options to this interface so that you have autocomplete when using app.options.getValue.

declare module "typedoc" {
export interface TypeDocOptionMap {
pluginOption: string[];
interface TypeDocOptionMap {
    basePath: string;
    blockTags: `@${string}`[];
    cacheBust: boolean;
    categorizeByGroup: boolean;
    categoryOrder: string[];
    cleanOutputDir: boolean;
    cname: string;
    commentStyle: {
        All: "all";
        Block: "block";
        JSDoc: "jsdoc";
        Line: "line";
    compilerOptions: unknown;
    customCss: string;
    darkHighlightTheme: Theme;
    defaultCategory: string;
    disableGit: boolean;
    disableSources: boolean;
    emit: {
        both: "both";
        docs: "docs";
        none: "none";
    entryPointStrategy: {
        Expand: "expand";
        Merge: "merge";
        Packages: "packages";
        Resolve: "resolve";
    entryPoints: string[];
    exclude: string[];
    excludeCategories: string[];
    excludeExternals: boolean;
    excludeInternal: boolean;
    excludeNotDocumented: boolean;
    excludeNotDocumentedKinds: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "singularString" | "pluralString" | "classString" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[];
    excludePrivate: boolean;
    excludeProtected: boolean;
    excludeReferences: boolean;
    excludeTags: `@${string}`[];
    externalPattern: string[];
    externalSymbolLinkMappings: ManuallyValidatedOption<Record<string, Record<string, string>>>;
    gaID: string;
    gitRemote: string;
    gitRevision: string;
    githubPages: boolean;
    groupOrder: string[];
    help: boolean;
    hideGenerator: boolean;
    hideParameterTypesInTitle: boolean;
    htmlLang: string;
    includeVersion: boolean;
    includes: string;
    inlineTags: `@${string}`[];
    intentionallyNotExported: string[];
    jsDocCompatibility: JsDocCompatibility;
    json: string;
    kindSortOrder: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[];
    lightHighlightTheme: Theme;
    logLevel: typeof LogLevel;
    markedOptions: unknown;
    maxTypeConversionDepth: number;
    media: string;
    modifierTags: `@${string}`[];
    name: string;
    navigation: {
        fullTree: boolean;
        includeCategories: boolean;
        includeFolders: boolean;
        includeGroups: boolean;
    navigationLeaves: string[];
    navigationLinks: ManuallyValidatedOption<Record<string, string>>;
    options: string;
    out: string;
    plugin: string[];
    preserveLinkText: boolean;
    preserveWatchOutput: boolean;
    pretty: boolean;
    readme: string;
    requiredToBeDocumented: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[];
    searchCategoryBoosts: ManuallyValidatedOption<Record<string, number>>;
    searchGroupBoosts: ManuallyValidatedOption<Record<string, number>>;
    searchInComments: boolean;
    showConfig: boolean;
    sidebarLinks: ManuallyValidatedOption<Record<string, string>>;
    sitemapBaseUrl: string;
    skipErrorChecking: boolean;
    sort: ("kind" | "source-order" | "alphabetical" | "enum-value-ascending" | "enum-value-descending" | "enum-member-source-order" | "static-first" | "instance-first" | "visibility" | "required-first" | "external-last")[];
    sortEntryPoints: boolean;
    sourceLinkExternal: boolean;
    sourceLinkTemplate: string;
    stripYamlFrontmatter: boolean;
    theme: string;
    titleLink: string;
    treatValidationWarningsAsErrors: boolean;
    treatWarningsAsErrors: boolean;
    tsconfig: string;
    useTsLinkResolution: boolean;
    validation: ValidationOptions;
    version: boolean;
    visibilityFilters: ManuallyValidatedOption<{
        external?: boolean;
        inherited?: boolean;
        private?: boolean;
        protected?: boolean;
        [tag: `@${string}`]: boolean;
    watch: boolean;


basePath: string
blockTags: `@${string}`[]
cacheBust: boolean
categorizeByGroup: boolean
categoryOrder: string[]
cleanOutputDir: boolean
cname: string
commentStyle: {
    All: "all";
    Block: "block";
    JSDoc: "jsdoc";
    Line: "line";

Type declaration

  • Readonly All: "all"
  • Readonly Block: "block"
  • Readonly JSDoc: "jsdoc"
  • Readonly Line: "line"
compilerOptions: unknown
customCss: string
darkHighlightTheme: Theme
defaultCategory: string
disableGit: boolean
disableSources: boolean
emit: {
    both: "both";
    docs: "docs";
    none: "none";

Type declaration

  • Readonly both: "both"
  • Readonly docs: "docs"
  • Readonly none: "none"
entryPointStrategy: {
    Expand: "expand";
    Merge: "merge";
    Packages: "packages";
    Resolve: "resolve";

Type declaration

  • Readonly Expand: "expand"

    The default behavior in v0.21 and earlier. Behaves like the resolve behavior, but will recursively expand directories into an entry point for each file within the directory.

  • Readonly Merge: "merge"

    Merges multiple previously generated output from TypeDoc's --json output together into a single project.

  • Readonly Packages: "packages"

    Run TypeDoc in each directory passed as an entry point. Once all directories have been converted, use the merge option to produce final output.

  • Readonly Resolve: "resolve"

    The default behavior in v0.22+, expects all provided entry points as being part of a single program. Any directories included in the entry point list will result in dir/index.([cm][tj]s|[tj]sx?) being used.

entryPoints: string[]
exclude: string[]
excludeCategories: string[]
excludeExternals: boolean
excludeInternal: boolean
excludeNotDocumented: boolean
excludeNotDocumentedKinds: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "singularString" | "pluralString" | "classString" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[]
excludePrivate: boolean
excludeProtected: boolean
excludeReferences: boolean
excludeTags: `@${string}`[]
externalPattern: string[]
externalSymbolLinkMappings: ManuallyValidatedOption<Record<string, Record<string, string>>>
gaID: string
gitRemote: string
gitRevision: string
githubPages: boolean
groupOrder: string[]
help: boolean
hideGenerator: boolean
hideParameterTypesInTitle: boolean
htmlLang: string
includeVersion: boolean
includes: string
inlineTags: `@${string}`[]
intentionallyNotExported: string[]
jsDocCompatibility: JsDocCompatibility
json: string
kindSortOrder: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[]
lightHighlightTheme: Theme
logLevel: typeof LogLevel
markedOptions: unknown
maxTypeConversionDepth: number
media: string
modifierTags: `@${string}`[]
name: string
navigation: {
    fullTree: boolean;
    includeCategories: boolean;
    includeFolders: boolean;
    includeGroups: boolean;

Type declaration

  • fullTree: boolean
  • includeCategories: boolean
  • includeFolders: boolean
  • includeGroups: boolean
navigationLeaves: string[]
navigationLinks: ManuallyValidatedOption<Record<string, string>>
options: string
out: string
plugin: string[]
preserveLinkText: boolean
preserveWatchOutput: boolean
pretty: boolean
readme: string
requiredToBeDocumented: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[]
searchCategoryBoosts: ManuallyValidatedOption<Record<string, number>>
searchGroupBoosts: ManuallyValidatedOption<Record<string, number>>
searchInComments: boolean
showConfig: boolean
sidebarLinks: ManuallyValidatedOption<Record<string, string>>
sitemapBaseUrl: string
skipErrorChecking: boolean
sort: ("kind" | "source-order" | "alphabetical" | "enum-value-ascending" | "enum-value-descending" | "enum-member-source-order" | "static-first" | "instance-first" | "visibility" | "required-first" | "external-last")[]
sortEntryPoints: boolean
sourceLinkExternal: boolean
sourceLinkTemplate: string
stripYamlFrontmatter: boolean
theme: string
titleLink: string
treatValidationWarningsAsErrors: boolean
treatWarningsAsErrors: boolean
tsconfig: string
useTsLinkResolution: boolean
validation: ValidationOptions
version: boolean
visibilityFilters: ManuallyValidatedOption<{
    external?: boolean;
    inherited?: boolean;
    private?: boolean;
    protected?: boolean;
    [tag: `@${string}`]: boolean;

Type declaration

  • [tag: `@${string}`]: boolean
  • Optional external?: boolean
  • Optional inherited?: boolean
  • Optional private?: boolean
  • Optional protected?: boolean
watch: boolean