Interface DocumentReflection

interface DocumentReflection {
    content: JSONOutput.CommentDisplayPart[];
    flags: JSONOutput.ReflectionFlags;
    frontmatter: Record<string, unknown>;
    id: Models.ReflectionId;
    kind: Models.ReflectionKind;
    name: string;
    variant: "document";
    children?: JSONOutput.DocumentReflection[];
    comment?: JSONOutput.Comment;
    relevanceBoost?: number;



The content to be displayed on the page for this reflection.

frontmatter: Record<string, unknown>

Unique id of this reflection.

The kind of this reflection.

name: string

The symbol name of this reflection.

variant: "document"

Discriminator representing the type of reflection represented by this object.

Child documents, if any are present.

The parsed documentation comment attached to this reflection.

relevanceBoost?: number

A precomputed boost derived from the searchCategoryBoosts and searchGroupBoosts options, used when boosting search relevance scores at runtime. May be modified by plugins.