Interface RelativeLinkDisplayPart

Represents a reference to a path relative to where the comment resides. This is used to detect and copy relative image links.

Use FileRegistry to determine what path on disc this refers to.

This is used for relative links within comments/documents. It is used to mark pieces of text which need to be replaced to make links work properly.

interface RelativeLinkDisplayPart {
    kind: "relative-link";
    target: undefined | number;
    targetAnchor: undefined | string;
    text: string;


kind: "relative-link"
target: undefined | number

A link to either some document outside of the project or a reflection. This may be undefined if the relative path does not exist.

targetAnchor: undefined | string

Anchor within the target page, validated after rendering if possible

text: string

The original relative text from the parsed comment.