Interface DeclarationReflection

interface DeclarationReflection {
    flags: JSONOutput.ReflectionFlags;
    id: Models.ReflectionId;
    kind: Models.ReflectionKind;
    name: string;
    variant: "declaration" | "reference";
    categories?: JSONOutput.ReflectionCategory[];
    children?: (
        | JSONOutput.ReferenceReflection
    childrenIncludingDocuments?: number[];
    comment?: JSONOutput.Comment;
    defaultValue?: string;
    documents?: JSONOutput.DocumentReflection[];
    extendedBy?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType[];
    extendedTypes?: JSONOutput.SomeType[];
    getSignature?: JSONOutput.SignatureReflection;
    groups?: JSONOutput.ReflectionGroup[];
    implementationOf?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType;
    implementedBy?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType[];
    implementedTypes?: JSONOutput.SomeType[];
    indexSignature?: JSONOutput.SignatureReflection;
    indexSignatures?: JSONOutput.SignatureReflection[];
    inheritedFrom?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType;
    overwrites?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType;
    packageVersion?: string;
    readme?: JSONOutput.CommentDisplayPart[];
    relevanceBoost?: number;
    setSignature?: JSONOutput.SignatureReflection;
    signatures?: JSONOutput.SignatureReflection[];
    sources?: JSONOutput.SourceReference[];
        | JSONOutput.LiteralType
        | JSONOutput.UnknownType
        | JSONOutput.ReferenceType
        | JSONOutput.OptionalType
        | JSONOutput.ArrayType
        | JSONOutput.ConditionalType
        | JSONOutput.IndexedAccessType
        | JSONOutput.InferredType
        | JSONOutput.IntersectionType
        | JSONOutput.IntrinsicType
        | JSONOutput.MappedType
        | JSONOutput.PredicateType
        | JSONOutput.QueryType
        | JSONOutput.ReflectionType
        | JSONOutput.RestType
        | JSONOutput.TemplateLiteralType
        | JSONOutput.TupleType
        | NamedTupleMemberType
        | JSONOutput.TypeOperatorType
        | JSONOutput.UnionType;
    typeParameters?: JSONOutput.TypeParameterReflection[];


  • Omit<JSONOutput.ContainerReflection, "variant">
  • S<
        | "variant"
        | "packageVersion"
        | "sources"
        | "relevanceBoost"
        | "type"
        | "signatures"
        | "indexSignatures"
        | "defaultValue"
        | "overwrites"
        | "inheritedFrom"
        | "implementationOf"
        | "extendedTypes"
        | "extendedBy"
        | "implementedTypes"
        | "implementedBy"
        | "getSignature"
        | "setSignature"
        | "typeParameters"
        | "readme",
    • DeclarationReflection


Unique id of this reflection.

The kind of this reflection.

name: string

The symbol name of this reflection.

variant: "declaration" | "reference" = ...

Discriminator representing the type of reflection represented by this object.

All children grouped by their category.

The children of this reflection. Do not add reflections to this array manually. Instead call addChild.

childrenIncludingDocuments?: number[]

The parsed documentation comment attached to this reflection.

defaultValue?: string

The default value of this reflection.

Applies to function parameters, variables, and properties.

Documents associated with this reflection.

These are not children as including them as children requires code handle both types, despite being mostly unrelated and handled separately.

Including them here in a separate array neatly handles that problem, but also introduces another one for rendering. When rendering, documents should really actually be considered part of the "children" of a reflection. For this reason, we also maintain a list of child declarations with child documents which is used when rendering.

extendedBy?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType[]

A list of all types that extend this reflection (e.g. the subclasses).

extendedTypes?: JSONOutput.SomeType[]

A list of all types this reflection extends (e.g. the parent classes).

The get signature of this declaration.

All children grouped by their kind.

implementationOf?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType

A type that points to the reflection this reflection is the implementation of.

Applies to class members.

implementedBy?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType[]

A list of all types that implement this reflection.

implementedTypes?: JSONOutput.SomeType[]

A list of all types this reflection implements.

moved to indexSignatures with 0.26.

indexSignatures?: JSONOutput.SignatureReflection[]

The index signature of this declaration.

inheritedFrom?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType

A type that points to the reflection this reflection has been inherited from.

Applies to interface and class members.

A type that points to the reflection that has been overwritten by this reflection.

Applies to interface and class members.

packageVersion?: string

The version of the module when found.

The contents of the readme file of the module when found.

relevanceBoost?: number

Precomputed boost for search results, may be less than 1 to de-emphasize this member in search results. Does NOT include group/category values as they are computed when building the JS index.

This is preserved for plugins, and may be removed in 0.28 if no plugins have used it yet.

The set signature of this declaration.

A list of call signatures attached to this declaration.

TypeDoc creates one declaration per function that may contain one or more signature reflections.

A list of all source files that contributed to this reflection.

The type of the reflection.

If the reflection represents a variable or a property, this is the value type.
If the reflection represents a signature, this is the return type.