Class Context

The context describes the current state the converter is in.


  • get program(): Program

    The program currently being converted. Accessing this property will throw if a source file is not currently being converted.

    Returns Program



  • Parameters

    • declaration:
          | JSDocTemplateTag
          | JSDocPropertyLikeTag
          | JSDocTypedefTag
          | JSDocCallbackTag
          | JSDocEnumTag

    Returns undefined | Models.Comment

  • Return the type declaration of the given node.


    • node: Node

      The TypeScript node whose type should be resolved.

    Returns undefined | Type

    The type declaration of the given node.

  • Register a newly generated reflection. All created reflections should be passed to this method to ensure that the project helper functions work correctly.


    • reflection: Models.Reflection

      The reflection that should be registered.

    • symbol: undefined | Symbol

      The symbol the given reflection was resolved from.

    Returns void


converter: Converter

The converter instance that has created the context.

convertingClassOrInterface: boolean = false
convertingTypeNode: boolean = false
programs: readonly Program[]

All programs being converted.

The project that is currently processed.

The scope or parent reflection that is currently processed.

shouldBeStatic: boolean = false