Avoid this in favor of urlTo if possible
Renders user comment markdown wrapped in a tsd-comment div
Emits an event to all currently subscribed listeners.
the event to emit.
any arguments required for the event.
Rendered just after the description for a reflection. This can be used to render a shortened type display of a reflection that the rest of the page expands on.
Note: Will not be called for variables/type aliases, as they are summarized by their type declaration, which is already rendered by DefaultThemeRenderContext.memberDeclaration
themeWrapper around typeDetails which checks if it is useful and includes a "Type Declaration" header.
Used to render additional details about a type. This is used to implement
the @expand
tag, comments on union members, comments on object type members...
Should call the typeDetails helper if rendering additional details about the type will provide the user with more information about the type.
Icons available for use within the page.
Note: This creates a reference to icons declared by DefaultTheme.icons, to customize icons, that object must be modified instead.