Class ReferenceType

Represents a type that refers to another reflection like a class, interface or enum.

let value: MyClass<T>;

Hierarchy (view full)


name: string

The name of the referenced type.

If the symbol cannot be found because it's not part of the documentation this can be used to represent the type.

preferValues: boolean = false

If set, will prefer reflections with ReflectionKinds which represent values rather than those which represent types.

qualifiedName: string

The fully qualified name of the referenced type, relative to the file it is defined in. This will usually be the same as name, unless namespaces are used.

refersToTypeParameter: boolean = false

If set, no warnings about something not being exported should be created since this may be referring to a type created with infer X which will not be registered on the project.

type = "reference"

The type name identifier.

externalUrl?: string

If this reference type refers to a reflection defined by a project not being rendered, points to the url that this type should be linked to.

package?: string

The package that this type is referencing.

typeArguments?: Models.SomeType[]

The type arguments of this reference.



  • Implementation method for toString. needsParenthesis will be used to determine if the returned string should be wrapped in parenthesis.

    Returns string

  • Checks if this type is a reference type because it uses a name, but is intentionally not pointing to a reflection. This happens for type parameters and when representing a mapped type.

    Returns boolean