addPrint the given TypeScript log message.
The TypeScript message that should be logged.
Print the given TypeScript log messages.
The TypeScript messages that should be logged.
Log the given error.
The error that should be logged.
node: NodeLog the given error.
The error that should be logged.
Has an error been raised through the log method?
Has a warning been raised through the log method?
Print a log message.
The message itself.
The urgency of the log message.
Reset the error counter.
Reset the warning counter.
Log the given verbose message.
The message that should be logged.
Log the given warning.
The warning that should be logged.
node: NodeLog the given warning.
The warning that should be logged.
A logger that will not produce any output.
This logger also serves as the base class of other loggers as it implements all the required utility functions.