Interface StringDeclarationOption

interface StringDeclarationOption {
    help: (i18n: TranslationProxy) => string;
    name: string;
    configFileOnly?: boolean;
    defaultValue?: string;
    hint?: Configuration.ParameterHint;
    outputShortcut?: string;
    type?: String | Path | UrlOrPath;
    validate?: (value: string, i18n: TranslationProxy) => void;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


help: (i18n: TranslationProxy) => string

The help text to be displayed to the user when --help is passed.

This may be a string, which will be presented directly, or a function, which will be called with an TranslationProxy so that option help can be translated into the user specified locale.

name: string

The option name.

configFileOnly?: boolean

If set, this option will be omitted from --help, and attempting to specify it on the command line will produce an error.

defaultValue?: string

If not specified defaults to the empty string for all types.

An optional hint for the type of input expected, will be displayed in the help output.

outputShortcut?: string

If specified, when this output is specified TypeDoc will automatically add an output to the outputs option whose name is the value of this property with the path set to the value of this option. Should only be used with type set to ParameterType.Path.

If any output shortcuts are set, the outputs option will be ignored.

type?: String | Path | UrlOrPath

Specifies the resolution strategy. If Path is provided, values will be resolved according to their location in a file. If String or no value is provided, values will not be resolved.

validate?: (value: string, i18n: TranslationProxy) => void

An optional validation function that validates a potential value of this option. The function must throw an Error if the validation fails and should do nothing otherwise.