Class ThemeAbstract

Base class of all themes.

The theme class controls which files will be created through the Theme.getUrls function. It returns an array of UrlMapping instances defining the target files, models and templates to use. Additionally themes can subscribe to the events emitted by Renderer to control and manipulate the output process.

Hierarchy (View Summary)




  • Stops listening to an event.

    Type Parameters

    • K extends never


    • event: K

      the event to stop listening to.

    • listener: (this: undefined, ...args: {}[K]) => void

      the function to remove from the listener array.

    Returns void

  • Starts listening to an event.

    Type Parameters

    • K extends never


    • event: K

      the event to listen to.

    • listener: (this: undefined, ...args: {}[K]) => void

      function to be called when an this event is emitted.

    • priority: number = 0

      optional priority to insert this hook with.

    Returns void

  • Emits an event to all currently subscribed listeners.

    Type Parameters

    • K extends never


    • event: K

      the event to emit.

    • ...args: {}[K]

      any arguments required for the event.

    Returns void


componentName: string

The name of this component as set by the @Component decorator.