Interface TypeDocOptionValues

Describes all TypeDoc specific options as returned by Options.getValue, this is slightly more restrictive than the TypeDocOptions since it does not allow both keys and values for mapped option types, and does not allow partials of flag values.

interface TypeDocOptionValues {
    basePath: string;
    blockTags: `@${string}`[];
    cacheBust: boolean;
    categorizeByGroup: boolean;
    categoryOrder: string[];
    cleanOutputDir: boolean;
    cname: string;
    commentStyle: "all" | "line" | "jsdoc" | "block";
    compilerOptions: unknown;
    customCss: string;
    darkHighlightTheme: Theme;
    defaultCategory: string;
    disableGit: boolean;
    disableSources: boolean;
    emit: "none" | "both" | "docs";
    entryPointStrategy: "packages" | "resolve" | "expand" | "merge";
    entryPoints: string[];
    exclude: string[];
    excludeCategories: string[];
    excludeExternals: boolean;
    excludeInternal: boolean;
    excludeNotDocumented: boolean;
    excludeNotDocumentedKinds: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "singularString" | "pluralString" | "classString" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[];
    excludePrivate: boolean;
    excludeProtected: boolean;
    excludeReferences: boolean;
    excludeTags: `@${string}`[];
    externalPattern: string[];
    externalSymbolLinkMappings: Record<string, Record<string, string>>;
    gaID: string;
    gitRemote: string;
    gitRevision: string;
    githubPages: boolean;
    groupOrder: string[];
    help: boolean;
    hideGenerator: boolean;
    hideParameterTypesInTitle: boolean;
    htmlLang: string;
    includeVersion: boolean;
    includes: string;
    inlineTags: `@${string}`[];
    intentionallyNotExported: string[];
    jsDocCompatibility: JsDocCompatibility;
    json: string;
    kindSortOrder: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[];
    lightHighlightTheme: Theme;
    logLevel: LogLevel;
    markedOptions: unknown;
    maxTypeConversionDepth: number;
    media: string;
    modifierTags: `@${string}`[];
    name: string;
    navigation: {
        fullTree: boolean;
        includeCategories: boolean;
        includeFolders: boolean;
        includeGroups: boolean;
    navigationLeaves: string[];
    navigationLinks: Record<string, string>;
    options: string;
    out: string;
    plugin: string[];
    preserveLinkText: boolean;
    preserveWatchOutput: boolean;
    pretty: boolean;
    readme: string;
    requiredToBeDocumented: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[];
    searchCategoryBoosts: Record<string, number>;
    searchGroupBoosts: Record<string, number>;
    searchInComments: boolean;
    showConfig: boolean;
    sidebarLinks: Record<string, string>;
    sitemapBaseUrl: string;
    skipErrorChecking: boolean;
    sort: ("kind" | "source-order" | "alphabetical" | "enum-value-ascending" | "enum-value-descending" | "enum-member-source-order" | "static-first" | "instance-first" | "visibility" | "required-first" | "external-last")[];
    sortEntryPoints: boolean;
    sourceLinkExternal: boolean;
    sourceLinkTemplate: string;
    stripYamlFrontmatter: boolean;
    theme: string;
    titleLink: string;
    treatValidationWarningsAsErrors: boolean;
    treatWarningsAsErrors: boolean;
    tsconfig: string;
    useTsLinkResolution: boolean;
    validation: ValidationOptions;
    version: boolean;
    visibilityFilters: {
        external?: boolean;
        inherited?: boolean;
        private?: boolean;
        protected?: boolean;
        [tag: `@${string}`]: boolean;
    watch: boolean;


basePath: string
blockTags: `@${string}`[]
cacheBust: boolean
categorizeByGroup: boolean
categoryOrder: string[]
cleanOutputDir: boolean
cname: string
commentStyle: "all" | "line" | "jsdoc" | "block"
compilerOptions: unknown
customCss: string
darkHighlightTheme: Theme
defaultCategory: string
disableGit: boolean
disableSources: boolean
emit: "none" | "both" | "docs"
entryPointStrategy: "packages" | "resolve" | "expand" | "merge"
entryPoints: string[]
exclude: string[]
excludeCategories: string[]
excludeExternals: boolean
excludeInternal: boolean
excludeNotDocumented: boolean
excludeNotDocumentedKinds: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "singularString" | "pluralString" | "classString" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[]
excludePrivate: boolean
excludeProtected: boolean
excludeReferences: boolean
excludeTags: `@${string}`[]
externalPattern: string[]
externalSymbolLinkMappings: Record<string, Record<string, string>>
gaID: string
gitRemote: string
gitRevision: string
githubPages: boolean
groupOrder: string[]
help: boolean
hideGenerator: boolean
hideParameterTypesInTitle: boolean
htmlLang: string
includeVersion: boolean
includes: string
inlineTags: `@${string}`[]
intentionallyNotExported: string[]
jsDocCompatibility: JsDocCompatibility
json: string
kindSortOrder: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[]
lightHighlightTheme: Theme
logLevel: LogLevel
markedOptions: unknown
maxTypeConversionDepth: number
media: string
modifierTags: `@${string}`[]
name: string
navigation: {
    fullTree: boolean;
    includeCategories: boolean;
    includeFolders: boolean;
    includeGroups: boolean;

Type declaration

  • fullTree: boolean
  • includeCategories: boolean
  • includeFolders: boolean
  • includeGroups: boolean
navigationLeaves: string[]
navigationLinks: Record<string, string>
options: string
out: string
plugin: string[]
preserveLinkText: boolean
preserveWatchOutput: boolean
pretty: boolean
readme: string
requiredToBeDocumented: ("All" | "Parameter" | "Enum" | "Project" | "Module" | "Namespace" | "EnumMember" | "Variable" | "Function" | "Class" | "Interface" | "Constructor" | "Property" | "Method" | "CallSignature" | "IndexSignature" | "ConstructorSignature" | "TypeLiteral" | "TypeParameter" | "Accessor" | "GetSignature" | "SetSignature" | "TypeAlias" | "Reference" | "ClassOrInterface" | "VariableOrProperty" | "FunctionOrMethod" | "ClassMember" | "SomeSignature" | "SomeModule" | "SomeType" | "SomeValue" | "SomeMember" | "SomeExport" | "ExportContainer" | "Inheritable" | "ContainsCallSignatures" | "TypeReferenceTarget" | "ValueReferenceTarget" | "SignatureContainer" | "VariableContainer" | "MethodContainer")[]
searchCategoryBoosts: Record<string, number>
searchGroupBoosts: Record<string, number>
searchInComments: boolean
showConfig: boolean
sidebarLinks: Record<string, string>
sitemapBaseUrl: string
skipErrorChecking: boolean
sort: ("kind" | "source-order" | "alphabetical" | "enum-value-ascending" | "enum-value-descending" | "enum-member-source-order" | "static-first" | "instance-first" | "visibility" | "required-first" | "external-last")[]
sortEntryPoints: boolean
sourceLinkExternal: boolean
sourceLinkTemplate: string
stripYamlFrontmatter: boolean
theme: string
titleLink: string
treatValidationWarningsAsErrors: boolean
treatWarningsAsErrors: boolean
tsconfig: string
useTsLinkResolution: boolean
validation: ValidationOptions
version: boolean
visibilityFilters: {
    external?: boolean;
    inherited?: boolean;
    private?: boolean;
    protected?: boolean;
    [tag: `@${string}`]: boolean;

Type declaration

  • [tag: `@${string}`]: boolean
  • Optional external?: boolean
  • Optional inherited?: boolean
  • Optional private?: boolean
  • Optional protected?: boolean
watch: boolean