Interface TypeDocOptions

An interface describing all TypeDoc specific options. Generated from a map which contains more information about each option for better types when defining said options.

interface TypeDocOptions {
    alwaysCreateEntryPointModule: boolean;
    basePath: string;
    blockTags: `@${string}`[];
    cacheBust: boolean;
    cascadedModifierTags: `@${string}`[];
    categorizeByGroup: boolean;
    categoryOrder: string[];
    cleanOutputDir: boolean;
    cname: string;
        | "Block"
        | "all"
        | "All"
        | "line"
        | "jsdoc"
        | "block"
        | "JSDoc"
        | "Line";
    compilerOptions: unknown;
    customCss: string;
    customFooterHtml: string;
    customFooterHtmlDisableWrapper: boolean;
    customJs: string;
    darkHighlightTheme: BundledTheme;
    defaultCategory: string;
    disableGit: boolean;
    disableSources: boolean;
    emit: "none" | "both" | "docs";
    entryPoints: string[];
        | "resolve"
        | "packages"
        | "expand"
        | "merge"
        | "Resolve"
        | "Expand"
        | "Packages"
        | "Merge";
    exclude: string[];
    excludeCategories: string[];
    excludeExternals: boolean;
    excludeInternal: boolean;
    excludeNotDocumented: boolean;
    excludeNotDocumentedKinds: KindString[];
    excludePrivate: boolean;
    excludeProtected: boolean;
    excludeReferences: boolean;
    excludeTags: `@${string}`[];
    externalPattern: string[];
    externalSymbolLinkMappings: Record<string, Record<string, string>>;
    githubPages: boolean;
    gitRemote: string;
    gitRevision: string;
    groupOrder: string[];
    help: boolean;
    hideGenerator: boolean;
    hideParameterTypesInTitle: boolean;
    highlightLanguages: string[];
    hostedBaseUrl: string;
    includeVersion: boolean;
    inlineTags: `@${string}`[];
    intentionallyNotExported: string[];
    jsDocCompatibility: boolean | Partial<JsDocCompatibility>;
    json: string;
    kindSortOrder: KindString[];
    lang: string;
    lightHighlightTheme: BundledTheme;
    locales: Record<string, Record<string, string>>;
        | "None"
        | "Info"
        | Verbose
        | Info
        | Warn
        | Error
        | None
        | "Verbose"
        | "Warn"
        | "Error";
    markdownItLoader: ((parser: any) => void);
    markdownItOptions: Record<string, unknown>;
    markdownLinkExternal: boolean;
    maxTypeConversionDepth: number;
    modifierTags: `@${string}`[];
    name: string;
    navigation: boolean | Partial<{
        compactFolders: boolean;
        excludeReferences: boolean;
        includeCategories: boolean;
        includeFolders: boolean;
        includeGroups: boolean;
    navigationLeaves: string[];
    navigationLinks: Record<string, string>;
    options: string;
    out: string;
    packageOptions: TypeDocOptions;
    plugin: string[];
    preserveLinkText: boolean;
    preserveWatchOutput: boolean;
    pretty: boolean;
    projectDocuments: string[];
    readme: string;
    requiredToBeDocumented: KindString[];
    searchCategoryBoosts: Record<string, number>;
    searchGroupBoosts: Record<string, number>;
    searchInComments: boolean;
    searchInDocuments: boolean;
    showConfig: boolean;
    sidebarLinks: Record<string, string>;
    skipErrorChecking: boolean;
    sort: (
        | "kind"
        | "instance-first"
        | "alphabetical"
        | "source-order"
        | "alphabetical-ignoring-documents"
        | "enum-value-ascending"
        | "enum-value-descending"
        | "enum-member-source-order"
        | "static-first"
        | "visibility"
        | "required-first"
        | "external-last"
        | "documents-first"
        | "documents-last")[];
    sortEntryPoints: boolean;
    sourceLinkExternal: boolean;
    sourceLinkTemplate: string;
    suppressCommentWarningsInDeclarationFiles: boolean;
    theme: string;
    titleLink: string;
    treatValidationWarningsAsErrors: boolean;
    treatWarningsAsErrors: boolean;
    tsconfig: string;
    useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks: boolean;
    useTsLinkResolution: boolean;
    validation: boolean | Partial<ValidationOptions>;
    version: boolean;
    visibilityFilters: {
        external?: boolean;
        inherited?: boolean;
        private?: boolean;
        protected?: boolean;
        [tag: `@${string}`]: boolean;
    watch: boolean;


alwaysCreateEntryPointModule: boolean
basePath: string
blockTags: `@${string}`[]
cacheBust: boolean
cascadedModifierTags: `@${string}`[]
categorizeByGroup: boolean
categoryOrder: string[]
cleanOutputDir: boolean
cname: string
    | "Block"
    | "all"
    | "All"
    | "line"
    | "jsdoc"
    | "block"
    | "JSDoc"
    | "Line"
compilerOptions: unknown
customCss: string
customFooterHtml: string
customFooterHtmlDisableWrapper: boolean
customJs: string
darkHighlightTheme: BundledTheme
defaultCategory: string
disableGit: boolean
disableSources: boolean
emit: "none" | "both" | "docs"
entryPoints: string[]
    | "resolve"
    | "packages"
    | "expand"
    | "merge"
    | "Resolve"
    | "Expand"
    | "Packages"
    | "Merge"
exclude: string[]
excludeCategories: string[]
excludeExternals: boolean
excludeInternal: boolean
excludeNotDocumented: boolean
excludeNotDocumentedKinds: KindString[]
excludePrivate: boolean
excludeProtected: boolean
excludeReferences: boolean
excludeTags: `@${string}`[]
externalPattern: string[]
externalSymbolLinkMappings: Record<string, Record<string, string>>
githubPages: boolean
gitRemote: string
gitRevision: string
groupOrder: string[]
help: boolean
hideGenerator: boolean
hideParameterTypesInTitle: boolean
highlightLanguages: string[]
hostedBaseUrl: string
includeVersion: boolean
inlineTags: `@${string}`[]
intentionallyNotExported: string[]
jsDocCompatibility: boolean | Partial<JsDocCompatibility>
json: string
kindSortOrder: KindString[]
lang: string
lightHighlightTheme: BundledTheme
locales: Record<string, Record<string, string>>
    | "None"
    | "Info"
    | Verbose
    | Info
    | Warn
    | Error
    | None
    | "Verbose"
    | "Warn"
    | "Error"
markdownItLoader: ((parser: any) => void)

Will be called when TypeDoc is setting up the markdown parser to use to render markdown. Can be used to add markdown-it plugins to the parser with code like this:

// typedoc.config.mjs
import iterator from "markdown-it-for-inline";
export default {
/** @param {MarkdownIt} parser */
markdownItLoader(parser) {
parser.use(iterator, "foo_replace", "text", function(tokens, idx) {
tokens[idx].content = tokens[idx].content.replace(/foo/g, 'bar');

Note: Unfortunately, markdown-it doesn't ship its own types, so parser isn't strictly typed here.

markdownItOptions: Record<string, unknown>
markdownLinkExternal: boolean
maxTypeConversionDepth: number
modifierTags: `@${string}`[]
name: string
navigation: boolean | Partial<{
    compactFolders: boolean;
    excludeReferences: boolean;
    includeCategories: boolean;
    includeFolders: boolean;
    includeGroups: boolean;
navigationLeaves: string[]
navigationLinks: Record<string, string>
options: string
out: string
packageOptions: TypeDocOptions
plugin: string[]
preserveLinkText: boolean
preserveWatchOutput: boolean
pretty: boolean
projectDocuments: string[]
readme: string
requiredToBeDocumented: KindString[]
searchCategoryBoosts: Record<string, number>
searchGroupBoosts: Record<string, number>
searchInComments: boolean
searchInDocuments: boolean
showConfig: boolean
sidebarLinks: Record<string, string>
skipErrorChecking: boolean
sort: (
    | "kind"
    | "instance-first"
    | "alphabetical"
    | "source-order"
    | "alphabetical-ignoring-documents"
    | "enum-value-ascending"
    | "enum-value-descending"
    | "enum-member-source-order"
    | "static-first"
    | "visibility"
    | "required-first"
    | "external-last"
    | "documents-first"
    | "documents-last")[]
sortEntryPoints: boolean
sourceLinkExternal: boolean
sourceLinkTemplate: string
suppressCommentWarningsInDeclarationFiles: boolean
theme: string
titleLink: string
treatValidationWarningsAsErrors: boolean
treatWarningsAsErrors: boolean
tsconfig: string
useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks: boolean
useTsLinkResolution: boolean
validation: boolean | Partial<ValidationOptions>
version: boolean
visibilityFilters: {
    external?: boolean;
    inherited?: boolean;
    private?: boolean;
    protected?: boolean;
    [tag: `@${string}`]: boolean;
watch: boolean