Interface DeclarationReflection

interface DeclarationReflection {
    flags: JSONOutput.ReflectionFlags;
    id: number;
    kind: ReflectionKind;
    name: string;
    variant: "declaration" | "reference";
    categories?: JSONOutput.ReflectionCategory[];
    children?: JSONOutput.DeclarationReflection[];
    comment?: JSONOutput.Comment;
    defaultValue?: string;
    extendedBy?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType[];
    extendedTypes?: (JSONOutput.LiteralType | JSONOutput.UnknownType | JSONOutput.ReferenceType | JSONOutput.OptionalType | JSONOutput.ArrayType | JSONOutput.ConditionalType | JSONOutput.IndexedAccessType | JSONOutput.InferredType | JSONOutput.IntersectionType | JSONOutput.IntrinsicType | JSONOutput.MappedType | JSONOutput.PredicateType | JSONOutput.QueryType | JSONOutput.ReflectionType | JSONOutput.RestType | JSONOutput.TemplateLiteralType | JSONOutput.TupleType | NamedTupleMemberType | JSONOutput.TypeOperatorType | JSONOutput.UnionType)[];
    getSignature?: JSONOutput.SignatureReflection;
    groups?: JSONOutput.ReflectionGroup[];
    implementationOf?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType;
    implementedBy?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType[];
    implementedTypes?: (JSONOutput.LiteralType | JSONOutput.UnknownType | JSONOutput.ReferenceType | JSONOutput.OptionalType | JSONOutput.ArrayType | JSONOutput.ConditionalType | JSONOutput.IndexedAccessType | JSONOutput.InferredType | JSONOutput.IntersectionType | JSONOutput.IntrinsicType | JSONOutput.MappedType | JSONOutput.PredicateType | JSONOutput.QueryType | JSONOutput.ReflectionType | JSONOutput.RestType | JSONOutput.TemplateLiteralType | JSONOutput.TupleType | NamedTupleMemberType | JSONOutput.TypeOperatorType | JSONOutput.UnionType)[];
    indexSignature?: JSONOutput.SignatureReflection;
    inheritedFrom?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType;
    overwrites?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType;
    packageVersion?: string;
    readme?: JSONOutput.CommentDisplayPart[];
    relevanceBoost?: number;
    setSignature?: JSONOutput.SignatureReflection;
    signatures?: JSONOutput.SignatureReflection[];
    sources?: JSONOutput.SourceReference[];
    type?: JSONOutput.LiteralType | JSONOutput.UnknownType | JSONOutput.ReferenceType | JSONOutput.OptionalType | JSONOutput.ArrayType | JSONOutput.ConditionalType | JSONOutput.IndexedAccessType | JSONOutput.InferredType | JSONOutput.IntersectionType | JSONOutput.IntrinsicType | JSONOutput.MappedType | JSONOutput.PredicateType | JSONOutput.QueryType | JSONOutput.ReflectionType | JSONOutput.RestType | JSONOutput.TemplateLiteralType | JSONOutput.TupleType | NamedTupleMemberType | JSONOutput.TypeOperatorType | JSONOutput.UnionType;
    typeParameters?: JSONOutput.TypeParameterReflection[];


  • Omit<JSONOutput.ContainerReflection, "variant">
  • S<Models.DeclarationReflection, "variant" | "packageVersion" | "sources" | "relevanceBoost" | "type" | "signatures" | "indexSignature" | "defaultValue" | "overwrites" | "inheritedFrom" | "implementationOf" | "extendedTypes" | "extendedBy" | "implementedTypes" | "implementedBy" | "getSignature" | "setSignature" | "typeParameters" | "readme">
    • DeclarationReflection


id: number

Unique id of this reflection.

The kind of this reflection.

name: string

The symbol name of this reflection.

variant: "declaration" | "reference" = ...

All children grouped by their category.

The children of this reflection.

The parsed documentation comment attached to this reflection.

defaultValue?: string

The default value of this reflection.

Applies to function parameters, variables, and properties.

extendedBy?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType[]

A list of all types that extend this reflection (e.g. the subclasses).

A list of all types this reflection extends (e.g. the parent classes).

The get signature of this declaration.

All children grouped by their kind.

implementationOf?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType

A type that points to the reflection this reflection is the implementation of.

Applies to class members.

implementedBy?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType[]

A list of all types that implement this reflection.

A list of all types this reflection implements.

The index signature of this declaration.

inheritedFrom?: JSONOutput.ReferenceType

A type that points to the reflection this reflection has been inherited from.

Applies to interface and class members.

A type that points to the reflection that has been overwritten by this reflection.

Applies to interface and class members.

packageVersion?: string

The version of the module when found.

The contents of the readme file of the module when found.

relevanceBoost?: number

A precomputed boost derived from the searchCategoryBoosts and searchGroupBoosts options, used when boosting search relevance scores at runtime. May be modified by plugins.

The set signature of this declaration.

A list of call signatures attached to this declaration.

TypeDoc creates one declaration per function that may contain one or more signature reflections.

A list of all source files that contributed to this reflection.

The type of the reflection.

If the reflection represents a variable or a property, this is the value type.
If the reflection represents a signature, this is the return type.